Chapter 5

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Authors Note (READ): wow! I got those votes, I'm sorry it took a while, but here. I hope you like it!

Juliet's POV

I woke to see Mr. Williams's fingers on wrist with Ms. Fill by his side. Across the room I saw Mrs. Williams and Mr. Smith looking at my fob watch. WAIT!!?? My fob watch!!?? I felt in my pocket, it wasn't there, so they had it. Slowly I tried to stand up, but Mr. Williams stopped me, "She's up." He said to Mrs. Williams and Mr. Smith, they both looked up from my watch to see me, "Why do you have my fob watch?" I asked kinda angrily I might add. "Sorry," Mr. Smith said as he handed it back to me, "It's just so interesting, where did you get it?" I quickly put the fob watch back in my pocket. "I... I don't remember..." I told him, "I always thought that maybe my parents gave it to me." I told him. "I'm going to get you some tea." Ms. Fill said as she walked out to get some tea.

"Juliet..." Mr. Smith started, "Have you ever opened that fob watch?" he asked me. What a silly question, "Of course not, why would I?" I asked. He then looked Mr. and Mrs. Williams like there was something I didn't know. "Juliet, this fob watch has 'Future' written on it in Gallifreyan, do you know what that means?" he asked me. Gallifreyan, gallifreyan, that sounded familiar some how, "And that means...?" I asked confused. Mrs. Williams looked like she wanted to yell something at me.

The Doctors POV

I can't believe this, she must be a Time Lady, but she looks so young and why would she want to turn human? "Amy, Rory, come here." I told them, Juliet looked confused, "Sorry, this is Amy," I said pointing at her, "And this is Rory." I said gesturing to him. She nodded her head as the lady from earlier brought her some tea and we moved to the corner in the room."

"What's up Doctor, you're acting like you've seen a ghost." Amy said kidding. I sighed and told them the news.

Authors Note (READ): CLIFF HANGER!! Lol! So again I just ask for two votes, but if I have time I will update tonight even if I don't get the votes! Also thank u to my 3 new followers!!!





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That's all for now,I hope I'll be able to post tonight if I'm not to busy! <3 u all- WriterChick101

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