Chapter 19 part two: The first task

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Chapter 19:


The first event. Just like in the Triwizard tournament, we have no idea what the tasks will be. And just like in the Triwizard, I really don't want to be here.



Breakfast, was either a nightmare, or just plain awkward. I couldn't tell the difference. The Gryffindors, were walking by, and wishing me luck, and telling me to kick some demigod butt. Same with the Ravenclaws, and the Hufflepuffs. The only ones not routing for me, were the Slytherins (duh) and the Demigods. (Another duh). Which I could understand, if some certain demigods would stop stealing my wand!

"GIVE ME BACK MY WAND!!" I yelled. The two twins (at least, I think they were twins) laughed.

"If you want it, you have to come and it!" They teased. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Acio Harry's wand!" The wand flew into her hand for the tenth time that morning.

"Thanks." I muttered. I sat back down and tried to eat something.



I sort of felt bad for Harry. I mean, according to Annabeth, (who heard from some girl named Hermione) Harry has done this before. It was like, his fourth year at this school? Something like that. Anyway, one of his friends Cedric (who was a Hufflepuff, whatever that was.) ended up dying to a guy name moldyshorts. No, that wasn't it..............

"GIVE ME BACK MY WAND!!" I looked up to see the Stolls, holding Harry's wand. Again. I think they wanted to make sure I win or something.

A British girl stood up.

"Acio Harry's wand!" She said. I think it was a spell of some sort. I think......

"Champions!" Dumbledore said. I noticed that Dumbledore addressed us more than Chiron did. I think Dumbledore has had more experience or something. Or it could be due to that fact that most wizards don't like centaurs.

"The first task will start momentarily. Please make your way outside." The four of us stood up. Jason, Harry, some kid named Draco, and I.


"Yea Jason?"

"Any idea what the first task is?"


"Any idea were we are supposed to go?"

"Nope." I walked up to Draco, knowing that Harry probably wouldn't answer.

"Hey. Do you know how we're supposed to get outside?" Draco sneered at us.

"Figure it out your selves." And he ran of. I looked at Jason and shrugged.

"What now?" I asked. He shrugged. I heard a sigh come from Harry. We looked at him.

"Follow me." He said. We followed him without question. This is his school after all.



Yea, yea, yea. It was real nice of me to show him the way outside.

I'm glad I was nice to him when I got the chance.

Once we got outside, we were lead to the same place the first task was held. I winched, remembering the dragon I fought, all for that stupid egg.

The blonde demigod, Jason, gave me a weird look.

"Before you guys came, we had the same thing like this, only it was called the Triwizard Tournament. And in the first task, we had to fight a dragon." He nodded.

"How old were you?"

"15." (That's how old Harry was right?) He nodded again. Then he went over to talk to Perseus.

Draco walked over there as well. I sighed, and walked over knowing Draco.

"Me and my father have bet you see. He bets that you wimpy demigod body won't be able to handle whatever we're doing. He bets you'll last 12 minutes. I bet 9." He said laughing. I groaned.

"Leave them alone Malfoy!" I said. Draco looked at me.

"Potter. Why are you protecting these rats anyway?" I rolled my eyes, and opened my mouth to say more, but Perseus beat me to it.

"We're not rats Malfoy. But, I think you are." Draco glared at him. Perseus was saved from getting told off when Dumbledore and the the Centaur (Chiron. I think that's his name was.) came in.



I was glad when Dumbledore and Chiron came in. I wondered why the first task would be.

"I bet your wondering what the first task is." I stared at Dumbledore in awe. He smiled at my face.

"Anyway, in the first task you will have to face each other. Perseus and Jason will reach into the bag and pull out a name. They will face that person." I nodded, but frowned when he said my name.

He held out the bag for me. I reached in a pulled out the name.

I looked at it and looked at the name. When I did, I almost passed out with shock.

The name was Harry's.

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