Chapter 17: Harry

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Chapter 17:


"No. I'm not going to forgive Perseus. Not ever!"

"Then why did you stop those kids from hurting him?"

"Because Anniebelle,"


"Right, sorry. It didn't let my house hurt him because one, we would lose points. Two, I didn't want him getting hurt. Now, if you excuse me, I have class."

No. I didn't really have class. I just wanted her to go away. She has been bugging me ever sense I had stop some Gryffindors form hurting him.

Because it was a free period, and I had nothing else to do, (besides avoiding any friends of Perseus. And trust me, he had a lot) I decide to write to my godfather. Sirius Black.

As I made my way up to the Owlary, I thought about the demigods. I mean, some of them were nice enough, but a few of then hated magic. Like Travis and Conner Stoll for example. They tried to steal from me a couple days ago, and I got my stuff back. By using the summoning charm. Let's just say that they weren't to happy with me.

But back to the point. Perseus hurt my best friend, but he expected me to forgive him in an instant. I don't know how demigods work, but wizards don't just forgive automatically.

"They all can't be that bad. Can they?" I muttered out loud.

"No." I turned around. It was Nico.

"Hey Nico." He looked at me weirdly. Normally, when kids see him, they take off running the other way. I guess he's just not use to kids having a conversation with him, other than his cousins.

"Your not afraid?" He asked. Well, guess I was right about one thing.

"No. Just because you the Son of Hades, doesn't mean I should be afraid of you. You need friends too." He smiled at my comment.

"Thanks Harry. And sorry about Percy." Great. Back to this topic.

"I don't need your pity Nico. And I'm not forgiving Perseus either!" I got up when he stopped me.

"That's not why I came Harry. I don't know much about wizards, but i know about you." I frowned.

"Um.... How?"

"Your parents." I frowned again.

"My parents are dead." I said shortly. He nodded.

"I know. And, to apologize for what Percy did, I want to show you something. Take my hand." He held out his hand. I paused for a moment.

"How do I know that I can trust you?" I asked. Nico looked slightly hurt. Then he glared.

"You know WHAT! Your right! You shouldn't trust me. Oh, look, it the son if Hades! You can't trust HIM!!" He stormed off.

Geezs. Are all demigods this hotheaded? I thought. I ran after him.

"Hey! Nico! Wait up!" He turned around still glaring.

"How bout, I make a deal. I show you something, and you show me that something you wanted to show me. Deal?" His glare leased.

"Okay." I smiled.

"But, first I have to write a letter to my godfather."


My letter was short, and it went like this.

Dear Padfoot,

Everything's fine here. We're having another Tournament. There's better security this time.

There are some new people too. They're called Demigods, and they're the children of the gods. One manage to get me really ticked off. He tried to beat up Ron. Anyway, the kids name is Perseus Jackson, and he is the Son of Poseidon. (That's the god of the sea.)

But not all of them are bad. Hermione made friends with a girl named Annabeth, daughter of Athena, (the wisdom goddess) and one of them has a crush on Hermione. His name is Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus. (God of forges.) I also made friends with one. Nico Di'Angelo, Son of Hades. (God of the Underworld. (Were the dead people go))

Other than that, everything is fine. Just needed somebody to tell.


"Did I spell you name right Nico?"

"Yes. Can we go to that place now?"



I brought him to the Room of Requirement. I figure if the is anything a Son of Hades needs, it some time alone.

"So, if I needed to go to the bathroom, toilets would appear?" I laughed.

"That's the first thing Ron said. But yes, that's the idea. The only thing it doesn't do is food and water."

"Thanks Harry!" For once, the son of Hades looked happy. It made me feel happy.

"So, what did you want to show me Nico?" He frowned.

"It works better at night. Can you meet me here tonight, at midnight?" I nodded.

"Can do."



I had nothing to do as of this moment. So, I decide to go down to Hagrid's. And guess who I saw? Yep! You guessed it. Perseus Jackson. And he was attacking on of my friends. Again.

"Oi! Get away from me demigod!"

"Giant!! Get away from this school you Giant!!"

I better stop him, I thought. I pulled up my wand.

"Expelliarmus!" I yelled. Perseus flew backwards.

"Hagrid! Are you okay?!" Hagrid looked at me.

"I'm fine, Harry." Perseus stood up, and pulled out a pen.

"Stop yo......... Harry!" He put the pen away quickly.

"What are you doing here?" I glared at him.

"One, this is my school. Two, this is my friend." He groaned and muttered something in Greek.

"Look, Harry, I'm sorry, I didn't kno......" I lost it.

"NO! I don't need your apology Perseus! You need to think before you really hurt someone. If you have a problem with wizards, bring it up with ME! NOT my FRIENDS!!" I yelled.

His eyes winded in till he looked like a baby seal.

"I'm really sorry Harry. I really am." I death glared him.

"No. Your only sorry that I found out. Your only sorry because I'm here."

I stormed off. I hate him.



You like?

I have a question!

How old was Harry when he went on his first "quest"?

And how old was Percy when he went on his first quest?

Who's older?

You have to answer all three and you get a dedication. ;D

P.S. I wrote a new book.

It's called Twins. (another Percy Jackson fan fic)

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