Chapter 19 part one: Leo

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Chapter 19:

It had been about 2 mouths sense the world of Hogwarts went into shock. Apparently, Harry and Draco were enemies. Which meant instead of working together, they would be against each other. Well, at least, Draco will be against Harry. According to everyone else in Hogwarts, Harry had already won.

Which leads us to the fact that people aren't leaving Harry alone, because they're claiming that the boy who lived (which is his title or something) can't stay away from the glory. And I know Harry. That's a lie. Harry HATES being famous, over something he can't even remember.

In other news, after the first event, (which is today) there will be a ball. And guess who I'm going to ask? Yep! Hermione!

I think she knows that I'm going to ask her. She keeps avoiding me.

"Hey Ginny!" The redhead girl looked at me. I would ask her to the dance, if I wasn't afraid of her brothers. They caught me flirting with her, and..... Um..... I might have ended up in the hospital wing.

"Hey Leo. Don't let my brothers see you." I shuddered in memory.

"Anyway, have you seen Hermione?" She paused.

"Yes I have. You just missed her." I pouted.

"Well, do you have anyone that your going to the ball with?" I asked.

"Yea. Sorry Leo. I'm going with Harry." My face fell.

"Oi! What did we tell you about talking to our sister!"

"Dang it! Well, got to go! See ya later Ginny!" I ran off, leaving the angry redheads behind me.



"Well! That was close." I said, as I leaned up against some wall.

"Hey Leo!" I looked up. Then my face fell.

"Oh. Hey Ashley." Okay, let me explain.

Ashley is this weird Apollo kid, that has a huge crush on me. I mean, I don't blame her, (after all, who could resist me?) but she was a little creepy. Never mind. She was a LOT creepy. And she got fashion advice from Drew. Remember the girl who calls Piper dumpster girl? Yea. Her.

"So, Leo. I heard that there is a ball coming up." I looked up at her and nearly gagged. She had more makeup on the some weird clown.

"Well, I would hope so! Dumbledore only mentioned it to the whole school yesterday." She glared at me, and then it soften in to a smile.

"Oh, Leo! There's that humor that I love so much! So, do you have a date." This time, I nearly threw up. Then, me being me, I laughed.

"Wait?! Me? Go with you? Is this some kind of sick joke?" I said, laughing my head off. Then I noticed her face.

"Oh. You weren't kidding. Bummer." I muttered. But her face wasn't the only thing I noticed. In the background, I saw Hermione. A bunch of thoughts ran through my head.

"You know what Ashley?" I said, with my eyes still on Hermione. She looked at me. Well, both she's did.

"I'll go to the ball with you." Ashley squealed in delight. I looked back towards Hermione, but she was gone.

'Where did she go?' I thought.

"See you there!" Ashley skipped away.


"So, Leo? Did you ask Hermione to the dance yet?" Jason asked me as soon as I sat down.

"Ummm...... Yea. A little change of plans." I said. He looked at me. I was saved from answering when Harry came over to our table.

"Umm..... Excuse me." We looked at him.

"Have any of you seen Hermione? She's missing." Jason shook his head. I nodded my head.

"Really?! Well, can you tell me where she is?" I shook my head.

"Sorry Harry. It was only for a couple of seconds." His face fell.

"Well, thanks anyway. Let me know if you see her." He walked away.

'Where was Hermione.' I thought.


Sorry guys. This was just a filler.

Didn't I promise that there would be a ball? After the first event, (which is the next chapter) the ball will come. And *
hint hint* there will be a little Lermione action!!! :)

Oh, and FYI Harry and Percy will NEVER become friends!! *evil laugh*

Bye! :)

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