Chapter 8: Leo

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Chapter 8:


Yeah. The school is called Hogwarts. Every time I think of it, I start laughing. I wonder if all the students there have warts. Just wondering.

I was in my cabin, with a bunch of angry campers with different ideas. Not to mention the line of people outside our door, wanting something. Can't they just build it themselves?!

"Hey!!" I yelled into my megaphone.

Everyone turned to look at me.

"Calm down!! Okay, everyone outside, form a single file line. ONE single file line, and Harley will help you. The rest of the cabin, come with me."

The was a mixture of moving and talking.

"Hey! Why do I have to stay behind?!"

"Because I said so Harley! And Nyssa can help you too."

Nyssa shrugged like she didn't care what she did. Harley just glared at me. I smiled "the Leo smirk" at him. He death glared me. Which would have been scary if he was Nico, or Annabeth, or Jason, or Piper...... Well, you get my point. (Or an Ares kid.)

"Gather around my good people!"

"You sound like your talking in some old person movie."

"Shut up , whatever your name is!"

"It's Phil!"

"Shut up Phil."

"Anyway, as I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted."

"At least you stopped talking like you were before!"

"I thought I told you to shut up! And as your senior camper, you have to do what I say!" I smirked at him. He threw a hammer at me. No, it didn't hit me.

"Watch it!!!"

"Now as I was saying I have an idea for our presentation."

And the next hour was spent planing. Pretty boring really.



One hour later

"Hey Leo! You there!" I looked up to see Percy at the door. And his cousins. Plus Jason.

"What up!!"

"Um... The sky?" Thalia and Nico looked confused.

"Not literally guys."

"Ohh......" Poor Nico. He still looked confused.

"So, what you need Percy?"

"Well, we were hoping that you could build something for us. Would you?"

"Well, what would that something be?"

"I was thinking....." His cousins and Jason glared at him.

"Okay, okay. WE were thinking of something that would make us look cooler in the presentation."

Percy, Thalia, Nico, and Jason had all given me there ideas. These were going to take forever to make. That's when Piper walked in.

"Hey, repair boy!"

"Yes, Pipes?"

"Don't call me Pipes!"

"Don't call me repair boy." I smirked at her. She glared at me.

"Annabeth wants to see us. Sadly, that's means you too."

I rolled my eyes. She rolled them back. I followed her to the Athena cabin.



"What you need Annabeth?" She glared at me.

"I went to the Hecate cabin, to look for some books on these "wizards" but they weren't there. But Chiron gave me some books on them. And look."

She showed us the cover. On it, was a black haired boy with glasses and a lighting scar.

"Is he a son of Zeus?" Jason looked a little hopeful.

"No, he's not." Jason's face fell.

"And his name is Harry. Harry James Potter."

"Yeah, that's not weird or anything."

"Shut up Leo. There's whole books on him. Apparently he's a big deal."

"Oh great! Another stuck up celebrity." Piper said.

"And he goes to the school. Hogwarts."

"Do you think he'll give me an Autograph?"

They glared at me like I said something wrong.

"Well, until we find out more about him, he will have to be put aside."

We all nodded, getting up and walking away.

I wonder what this Harry would be like. Would he be stuck up? And mean? And rude like most celebrity? I hoped not. I want to be friends with him.

When I got back to my cabin, I was attacked by a bunch of questions. But I just waved them aside. I sat down on my bed and went to the Leo cave. There was a good side to this. Going to the school I mean. There was girls. Girls who didn't know me. So, I could start fresh. I hoped there would be cute girls there.............

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