Chapter 16: Jason/Travis

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Chapter 16:

I spent the first part of my day flying around the school, so I didn't get trampled. That's the good news. The bad news, (and it has nothing to do with Leo) is that Percy, just had to go beat up that redheaded kid, and get Harry pissed off. So know, Percy is shunned by a whole group of students.

"Why! In the world!? Would you! Just beat up some random kid!!!!" Piper screamed. We got a couple strange looks a few confused faces. And some glares.

"Look, I told you. I thought he was hitting on Annabeth." That was the fifth time he had said that.

"Well, you could have at least asked Piper first." I said.

"Thank yo...... Wait!? What's that supposed to mean?!!!!?!?" I froze in shock.

"Well....... I just meant........ That you would be good with emotions because your moms Aphrodite." I said the last part in a squeaky voice. Piper stormed off.

"Girls." I muttered, only to turn around and see that Percy vanished. Can't say I was surprised. That kid had a habit of disappearing.

I was walking around, lost (what?! The school is huge!) when I say Leo skipping my way.

"Hey Leo."

"Hey superman, what's up?" I glared at him.

"Don't call me superman. And I'm fine. You?" Leo smiled.

"I, my friend, am in love once again."

"What's the girls name?" Last time Leo had a crush, he didn't even know the girls name.

"Hermione Granger. Is it pretty?" Leo put on a dreamy face.

"Um.... Yea. So, do you have a couple name?" He thought for a moment.

"Yes! Well, I do now. Anyway, it will be Lermione*." He looked happy with himself. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, does she know you exist?" He looked at me, then laughed.

"Of course! Now, come one, that old guy said that he had some info for us right?" I smiled.

"You mean Dumbledore?" He laughed again.

"Yes, him. Now come on." And I got whisked away by a Leo. Eventually, I had to carry Leo above the sea of heads. I dropped him once. He was fine.

I was going to stop here, but i decide to be nice.
*thank you @Halfbloodrulez for the name.

Conner and I were looking for the famous Weasley twins. We had heard from a reliable source, that they caused a lot of trouble. So, naturally, we went looking for them.

"How will we know when we find them?" My dear brother asked.

"Remember? They have red hair, and they're identical. Their names are Fred and George." Conner nodded, but he looked uneasy. I couldn't blame him. I mean, this school was huge! It could take forever to find them!

Or two seconds.

I was wondering were we would find them, and then, it hit me. Well, more like they hit me, but you get the point.

"Sorry mates. Didn't see yea there." Said the first redhead.

"No problem." I replied.

"Just looking for the Weasley twins, that's all." Conner finished.

The redheads frowned at each other.

"Why are you looking for them?" One of them asked.

"Well, you see, we are the sons of Hermes, God of thieves, travelers, and a bunch of other stuff. And we heard that they cause a lot of trouble. So, we just wanted to meet them to see if they wanted to team up or something." I said. I have no idea why I told them all of this. It just felt...... Right. Is that the word for it?

"Do you want to tell them Fred?"

"Na, you can tell the George." One of the redheads looked at us.

"Well, today is your lucky day. I'm George Weasley, and this is my twin brother Fred." They held out their hands.

"I'm Travis Stoll, and this is my brother Conner." The twins laughed.

"Wait. Your last name, is Stoll!?" I frowned. Percy said the same thing when he met us.


"And your the sons of Hermes?"

"Yep." This time, Conner answered.

"Who is the god of thieves?" We (Conner and I) looked at them all confused.

"Yea. Are we done here." They looked sort of upset that we didn't get it, but they shrugged it off.

"So, are you guys twins?" Fred asked. We shook our heads.

"Nope. But every one thinks we are. Travis over here is older." I smirked at my younger brother. He rolled his eyes.

The Weasley twins gave each other a knowing smile.

"Do you want some candy?" They held out color coded candy. Conner took a piece.

"Sure." He popped it in his mouth. He turned green. Then, sadly and unfortunately, he threw up. The twins roared with laughter. Conner just kept throwing up.

"Fix him!" I yelled. It was funny, but not that funny.

They sighed, and gave him a purple piece. He ate it, and soon he was all better.

"What was that for!" Conner cried. Fred laughed.

"Sorry about that mate. Just wanted to see if it would work on you demigod foke. Anyway, this is just something me and George cooked up. Neat huh?"

George, meanwhile, was muttering a spell to make the pile of sick go away. I wonder were it went to?


So that is how Conner and I spent the rest of the day. It was awesome. Even through they had classes, it was still fun.

"Come on mates. Time for dinner."

Unfortunately, we had to sit at different tables. Right away, I noticed something was wrong. Maybe it was the ADHD?

Last night, everyone was craning the necks to get a good look at us. Tonight, only three tables were doing that, while the fourth was glaring at us. Scratch that. They were glaring at Percy.

"What did he do?" I muttered.

"Dunno. But I do know that it had something to do with a redheaded kid." I frowned slightly.

What did Percy do? I thought he was only good at ticking of gods and the Ares cabin. I guess it work with wizards too.

My thought were interrupted by Dumbledore announcing something.

"I have gotten many questions, manly form the Athena kids." He said gesturing towards the Athena kids. They blushed.

"On how the champions will be chosen." There was a lot of confused faces. Chiron smiled.

"I think, my dear friend, that you have gotten ahead of yourself." Chiron cleared his throat.

"For those of you who do not know, we are having a tournament." There was a couple of gasps in the sea of students and campers.

"And of course, in a tournament, you need champions." Chiron finished. He nodded towards Dumbledore. I never thought of this till now, but that's a funny name, I thought.

"As I was saying, once again, for Hogwarts students at least, we will be using the Goblet of Fire." He lifted up a cloak. Under it, was a goblet (duh) with blue flames bursting out of it.

"And Hermes kids, no, you are not allowed to steal it."

"Aww......." I complained.

"Not fair." Conner muttered.

"It works like this. You put you name in, and if you are chosen, you will be placed in the tournament."

"Now, for the rules." Chiron said.

"For Camp-Half-Blood, if you have been on two quest or more, you may enter. But, if you haven't been on more than two quest, and are under the age of 13, you may not enter."

The was a loud groaning noise. And yes, I was part of that noise.

"And the same rules as the Triwizard Tournament for Hogwarts. And Harry?" We all turned to look at him.

"There will be better security this year." Harry smiled.

"Now, time to eat!"

Hogwarts food, is a lot better than Nymph food. At first, we didn't touch anything. Then, Dumbledore made a fire appear, which took care of our problem. Minus the weird looks we were getting.

Dessert was even better. Thankfully, we didn't have to sacrifice that.

When that was all done, the Apollo kids offered to sing us a song. I forgot what the song was called. Granted, I wasn't really listening.

Then it was time for bed. Duh.


"Yes Travis?'

"How much do you like this place?"

"A lot. You?"

"A lot. Night Conner."

"Night Travis."

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