Chapter 18: Ron/Hermione

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Chapter 18:


Harry was acting weird. I mean, I know that he wants to keep me safe, but he didn't have to act all mad. And as for the Annabeth thing, I was just showing her a picture! A PICTURE!!!

She was interested on how they moved. And I was explaining it to her, when her jealous boyfriend came up and punched me. Bloodly hell it hurt!!

And now, my best friend is enemies with the guy we're trying to find more about! Could this get any worse.

Oh, wait. It could. Harry's also been hanging out with that son of Hades Nico! And he thought Percy was bad news!

You know how I said that I would never say anything like that to the boy who lived? Well, screw that.

"HARRY POTTER!!" I yelled. Harry looked at me in surprise.

"Ron! Your back!" He hugged me. So did my siblings.

"Hey guys." I said. Then I looked at Harry.

"Look, mate, I'm really glad that you stop him, but now you need to apologize." His face darkened.

"No." He said shortly.

"Fine. Let's make a deal. You either A. Forgive Perseus. Or B. Enter the Tournament." He glared at me.

"I would rather enter."



Yea. We made him enter. And by we, I mean Fred, George and I. Ginny was against it, and was writing a letter to our cousin, Rachel. Rachel Dare to be exact.

"Do I have to?"

"Yes Harry. Or you could go apologize to Perseus." He glared and entered his name.

That's when Perseus showed up.

"Oh. Hey Harry!" Harry glared at him.

"You entering too?"

"Noo...." Fred said sarcastically.

"He's just walking up to a "random" goblet that just happens to be on fire, so he put his name in. What do you think?" George finished.

Perseus rolled his eyes. Then he looked at me. I whimpered.

"Sorry about the whole misunderstanding thing and punching you. It was uncalled for."

"No.. Yea think?!" I said. He glared at me.

"Come on Ron, let's go." Harry started to pull me away. Perseus stopped him.

"Look, I'm really sorry, Harry let me......" Harry death glared him.

"I. Don't. Want. To. Here it. I think I would rather hang out with the Slytherin than talk to you." The people near by gasped. Perseus just looked confused.

"This. Is going to take. Forever."



Getting Harry to forgive Perseus (or Percy) was going to take forever.

"Percy is a very loyal person, after all, it is his fateful flaw." I stopped her.

"What's a fateful flaw?"

"Oh! Every hero has one. I'm not sure about wizards, but demigods do." I nodded.

"And Perseus, (I mean, Percy's) is loyalty?" Annabeth nodded. I laughed.

"I'm pretty sure that's Harry's too. Now, come on. It's time for dinner."



Dinner went as it normally did, minus the demigods and them throwing their food into the fire. Annabeth had explained that they did this as a offering to their parents, the gods.

And then, after all that was done, it was time to learn who the champions would be.

"Good evening to you all. Now, I presume that you would rather learn who the champions are, then listen to an old man go on and on. Now, there will be two champions for each group."

We all nodded at this.

"Now, remember, once you enter, there is no turning back."

We nodded once again. Well, the wizards did. The demigod were whispering, which I thought was highly rude.

The goblet glowed bright red, and shot a paper into the air. Dumbledore grabbed ahold of it, and looked at it thoughtfully.

"And the first champion for Camp Half Blood, is Perseus Jackson!" There was loud cheering from the demigods, and booing form our table. I guess they were still mad about the Beating-Up-Ron thing.

"The second Champion, will be Jason Grace!" There was a lot less cheering this time, but still cheering. I remembered that Jason was Roman, not Greek. There for, his dad was Jupiter, not Zeus.

"And now, for Hogwarts." The goblet glowed for the third time that night.

"And the first Champion is....... Harry Potter!" There was silence. That was, until Harry stood up and said,

"Don't worry! I put my name in this time!" That's when I thought there was an earthquake. It was louder than Percy's and Jason's put together. Which was pretty loud.

"And the second champion, is Draco Malfoy!"


Haha! Didn't see that coming did ya!?! *evil laugh*

Anyway, tell me your thoughts on Draco being a Champion.

Check out my new book,

Demigod Guardians,


Camp Narnia


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