Chapter 9: Jason.

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Chapter 9:


Finally, we were leaving. And let me just say that traveling with greek Demigods, is a bad idea. Especially if there names are Thalia Grace, Perseus Jackson, and Nico D'Anglo.

It was a 4 hour bus ride, (it should have taken 2. We're ADHD so it took 2 hours longer.) and it was going to be a 7 hour flight. Yea, this was going to be a great trip.

"Heroes!! Gather around!"

We all stopped talking and turned toward Chiron.

"Alright, you will be traveling by cabins. Of course, the senior campers will be in charge. For the Big Three Cabin ." He pointed to Thalia, Percy, Nico and I. "Thalia will be the senior camper."

Percy and Nico let out a grown.

"Why does she get to be senior camper!!" Percy burst out.

"Well, technically, she is older than you. Not including Nico of course. And her father." Chiron looked nervously at the sky. "Has made a special request that she be senior camper."

I was totally fine with her being senior camper. I just hope that I won't have to break up a fight. Knowing Percy and Thalia, I would probably have to.

"As I was saying, each cabin will get a bus, driven by a satyr." Chiron started calling off cabin names, one by one, and assigning them to a satyr. It was about 5 minutes later he called our cabin.

"Athena cabin, in here, and last but not least, the Big Three cabin, your bus will be right here." He pointed to a fairly small bus.

"Who is our satyr?" Percy asked. Chiron smiled.

"Grover Underwood will be your satyr."

"Peeerrrcy!!!" We all turned to see a happy looking satyr running towards Percy. They bear hugged each other and started talking about the God of the Wild or something like that.

"Hey love birds!" They glared at my sister.

"We should get moving. We don't want to be late do we?"

"Actually, I want to be late."

"Shut up Seaweed Brain."

"Pinecorn face!"

I turned to look at Nico.

"This is going to be a long ride isn't it?" The son of the God of the Dead looked at me.

"Yes. Yes it is."



One hour later. (Sadly)

"Are we there yet?!" Nico and I groaned. That was the 1,789,009 time Percy and/or Thalia had asked that question.

"No!! I told you, about another three hours." We all groaned at that one.

"Hey! I have an idea!" We all turned to look at Nico. Not counting Grover. He had to keep his eyes on the road.

"We could play 20 questions!" We all stared at him.

"What's 20 questions?" Percy asked. Thalia whacked him upside the head.

"Owww..... Oh! Wait! Is it that game where some thinks of something and you have to guess what it is?"

"Noo Seaweed Brain, it's the game where you point out the idiot."

Percy and Thalia glared at each other. I decide it was time I said something.

"That's a GREAT idea Nico. Why don't we do that?" I smiled at them. Guessing by their facile expression, I was smiling at them weirdly.

"Okay........" Percy said. They, (Percy and Thalia) looked at me weirdly.

For the next half n hour, we played 20 questions. Then we had to stop because Percy had to go pee.



Another half n hour later.

"I have to go pee!!" Nico complained.

"We just went!" Grover complained.

"But I didn't have to go then..."

We had to stop. Again. How long was this car ride? Oh wait, I remember. We still have two hours to go.



Another hour later.

Percy and Thalia were asleep. Nico looked like he wanted to sleep, but he wasn't letting himself. I getting tired my self. But I promised myself that I wouldn't.............



At the air port.

"Percy, you have to get on the plane."

"No!! You can't make me!"

We (okay, Chiron and I. Thalia was afraid of heights and Nico was paralyzed.) had been fighting with Percy to get on the plane for 15 minutes. We were saved when Hermes, (or is it Mercury?) showed up.

"Hello cos! How you doing?"

"You can't make me get on the plane Hermes!"

"Wow, calm down cuz! You to Thalia. And death kid, Nico, come here." The three closed in, wondering what the god had to tell them.

"Here. Eat these. They will transport you to wherever you want."

The three took the pills. They popped them in there mouths. Instantly, they hit the ground snoring.

"There. That should keep them." Hermes smiled.

"Now they will sleep throughout the whole trip."



7 hours later.

We had finally arrived. Sort of. We still had to take a train. But other than that, we were there. I hope Hogwarts was worth it. Other wise, that was just cruel, making a bunch of ADHD kids go through that. Just cruel I'm telling ya! Wow. I need to stop hanging out with Leo. And Percy.

"Are we there yet!?"

"NO PERCY!!!!!" We laughed. This was not as bad as I thought it would be. Just saying!


Well! Do you like it??!!?!? I told you the chapters would get longer as the story started getting started! Anyway please comment and vote!!







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