Chapter 15: Annabeth

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Chapter 15:

I don't know why Percy was acting like that. I mean, why would you be jealous of Ron! He's not even attractive!! I think Percy was being a giant seaweed brain.

I followed Harry and his girl-friend brought Ron to the hospital wing. That's what they called it anyway.

"Again, Harry, I'm sorry about Ron, Percy doesn't normally act that way............"

"Drop it Annabeth." I could tell he didn't want to talk about.

"I don't care, if Perseus doesn't normally act that way. Now, if you excuse me, I going to the common room." He stormed out.

"I'm sorry about Harry." It was the British girl talking now.

"He has bit of a nasty temper. I'm Hermione Granger by the way. And you are?"

"Annabeth Chase."

"Daughter of Athena?" She seemed curious enough. I had a feeling we would be friends.

"Yes, I am. If you don't mind me asking, I have a friend, Leo Valdez...." She frowned.

"Oh!! You must be the Athena kid he was talking about. He was acting weird. Is he always that weird?"

I laughed.

"Yes, sadly. And if your THE Hermione he was going about, then I feel bad for you."

"And why would that be?" I laughed again, and even Hermione smiled.

"I think he likes you." She gagged.

"Eww!!! Bloody hell, I hope not!" We laughed.

"We better leave Ron to be." I nodded in agreement

"Have you been shown the library yet?" Well at least she had good taste.

"Yes, I have, but this school is so big, I might need an escort." Her face brightened.

"I could be your escort! I don't have class for another 30 minutes. After that, I guess you would like to go on your own."

"No. I think I'll stick with you. What are the classes like?" She thought for a moment.

"It depends on the class. And, again, I'm sorry about Harry. You know, he doesn't hate demigods. He only hates Perseus." I nodded.

"Why do you call him Perseus?" I asked. She looked surprised.

"Isn't that his name? Perseus Jackson?" I nodded.

"Yes, it is, but everyone calls him Percy."

"Like Ron here. His real name is Ronald, but we all call him Ron. Even his brothers. And Ginny."

"Yea. Just like that. Minus the siblings. Weren't we heading to the library?"


Out of all the classes, Defense Against the Dark Arts was my favorite. According to Hermione, they have never had one teacher for more than one year.

"What happen to the teachers?"

"It depends on the teacher. In our first year, the teacher Professor Quirll, he worked for You-Know-Who." She paused at my confused look. Who is the bloody hell was You-Know-Who! I need to stop hanging out with the British people. I just said bloody hell.

"You-Know-Who is." She looked around nervously.

"Lord Voldemort. Do you know who he is?" I thought for like two seconds, then, it hit me.

"He's the one who killed Harry's parents right? Lily and James?" She nodded.

"Well, he worked for him. In our second year Professor Lockhart, lost his memory in the camber of secrets. Long story."

We were interrupted by a blonde kid with his body guards.

"Mudblood. Demigod." When he said Mudblood, he said it like it was an insult.

"Malfoy." She turned towards me.

"This is Draco. Draco Malfoy. He's a pureblood in Slytherin. Harry's arch nemesis." He glared at her.

"As you can see, Dear Demigodic friend, some wizardly families are better than others. I can help you there." He held out his hand. I did the logical thing.

I punched him.

"My mother is the wisdom goddess. So, naturally I make the wisest decisions. And something tells me that you, are bad news."

He ran away fumbling. Hermione laughed.

"I think if you tell Harry that, he might be happy. I know Ron will be happy." I laughed.

"Come. It's time for dinner."

I followed Hermione to the great hall. I saw Percy, surrounded by anger Gryffindors. They were yelling at him.

"Come on." I said, with Hermione following behind.

"How could you!" I heard one kid yell.

"Just because your a demigod, does not mean you can beat up our house!"

"He's dead." Hermione muttered.

"Stupefy*" a kid yelled. Hermione pulled out her wand. I thought the curse was going to hit Percy.

"Percy!!!" I yelled out, at the same time as someone yelled

"Proteo*!!" I looked over to see Harry.

"Everyone, back to eating, or whatever you were doing. But leave Perseus alone." Some kids left, and went back to whatever they were doing.

Percy looked at Harry thankfully.

"Thanks Harry, I really thought....." Harry cut him off.

"I don't like you Perseus, but I couldn't let my house tear you apart. And this doesn't patch things up between us either." Harry stormed off.

Percy stood there, looking confused. I walked up to him, with Hermione walking slowly behind.

"I will never understand that boy." Percy said. I rolled my eyes.

"Hermione's friends with him, and she doesn't understand." Hermione glared at me. She turned to look at Percy.

"Perseus, you know your going to have to watch your back right?" Percy nodded.

"Why do you call me Perseus?" He asked. I smacked him.

"Come on seaweed brain." Hermione laughed.

"Seaweed Brain? Is that what you call him? May I borrow it?" Percy glared at her.

*Sorry if I spelled the spell wrong.

More people to put in the tournament! PLEASE!!!!!


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