Chapter 10: Annabeth

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Chapter 10:


Bus ride. Not so bad. Plane ride. Terrible. Train ride. Not so bad.

I spent the whole bus ride reading about this famous Harry Potter. And where he got his lighting scar. It's a pretty sad story.

It turns out there is this dark wizard who wants to kill him. And he killed his parents when he was a baby. Poor kid.

Of course, I don't really think that's much compared to demigod life. Do I sound selfish? Well, I'm not trying to. I just saying that compared to demigod life, that's not uncommon to lose your parents.

On the plane ride, I spent it worrying about Percy. That was until I found out that Hermes put them to sleep. Thank you Hermes!

And on the train ride, I told Jason, Percy, Piper, and Leo all that I had learned about this Harry Potter guy.

"Wait! So both of his parents are dead?" That was the third time one of them had asked that.

"Yes!! Why are you so shock by this?!"

"And he was 1!!!" I groaned.

"Yes Percy. Now can we please move on?" The four of them looked at me.

"What?!" I asked.

"So your not shocked by this?"


"At all?"


"And I thought getting here was weird." Leo stated.

__________________flashback starts______________________________________

"Where is platform 9 3/4?" Chiron said.

"For the last time!!" Annabeth was yelling at Chiron every time he said that.


Chiron smiled.

"WHY ARE YOU SMILING?!!?!?!?!?!?"

"Cause we are here."

We looked up to see a wall with platform ten and nine on either side.

"Where is it?" Percy had asked.

Chiron smiled, said it was right in front of us, and ran into the wall. We all thought he would run into the wall. He didn't. He ran right through it.

Percy looked on the other side of the wall.

"Where is it?" He had asked.

_________________Flashback ends_______________________________________

"Yeah, that was weird." Percy said.

"So....... When will we get there?" Piper asked. We sat in silence. Until the lady with the cart appeared.

"Anything from the trolly dears?"

"Trolly? Oh, right, we're in England."

Percy, Jason, and Leo all looked up. They rushed over. Percy got there first.

"I'll take 2 snickers bars and......... Hey!? What in the name of Zeus are those?!" He exclaimed.

Sadly for Percy, there was no snickers bars. Or anything like that. The was however, Betty bots every flavor beans, Chocolate Frogs, Pumpkin Pastries, Caldron cakes, and a bunch of other stuff too! But no hearsay bar. Weird.

Percy pouted.

"What in the world are these things?!" Leo said.

"Oh they are quit good dearie." The lady replied.

I sat up.

"I'll try a Pumpkin Pastry please." I said. It was the only thing that sounded "normal". Sort of anyway.

She nodded and gave me one. I gave her a couple drachmas. She stared at them for a good 2 minutes, then she took them.

Leo had order the every flavor beans thing. The lady had warned them that they meant every flavor. He had waved it aside.

"Yeah right! Like they really mean every flavor." He popped one in his mouth. Then he gagged.

"Ewww!! Spinach!" Percy laughed at him, and popped one in his mouth.

"This one tastes like soap!" We laughed, and Percy coughed bubbles. I must say that I wish that I had a camera or something, because watching my boyfriend cough bubbles, and Leo or Jason occasionally choking, was hilarious.



About an hour later.

We were there. Finally.

I looked outside and gasped. Right there, was a enormous Castle, with amazing architecture. I hate to say it, but I'm in love with there school.

"Well, I can tell you like it Wise girl."

"Shut up Seaweed Brain."



"Gather around Heroes!" What was that? The 5th time Chiron had said that?

"Some of you will get to the school in the boats, driven by Hagrid." Chiron pointed to the incredibly large man behind him.

"A'right you lot. Some of yea are coming with me."

He walked to the boats. Chiron nodded, and some cabins took off after him.

"What about the rest!" Percy asked.

"I, will be running, and the rest of you will take the carriages." He pointed.

"Hey! Who going to drive them?" A kid asked. I don't know what he was talking about, the was horses pulling them. That's when Repair boy decided to speak up.

"Um... The horses that are right there, duh!"

"Do not worry if you can not see them. They can only be seen......."

"By people who have seen death." Nico pipped up.

"Yes. Now off you go."

We (Percy,Jason,Nico,Thalia,Piper,Leo,and I) walked over to a carriage. We sat down, and looked forwards the castle.

"Wow." I said.

"Yea." Piper agreed. "Isn't it beautiful?"




Inside the school is even better. However the art was moving. And much to Percy's disappointment, we couldn't admire how cool this place was. It was time to get ready for our presentations. I hope they won't go terribly wrong.


Okay! A special shout out to my friend @halfbloodrulez. She is awesome. Just saying.

Anyway, the next chapter will be a wizard. Maybe Hermione again. Don't know. Anyway, please,




Oh, wait. This isn't YouTube. Never mind! Let me try that again.





There it is! So please do one of those things, or two, or all three if you want. Bye! (I'm still open to ideas please and thank you!) (sorry for sucky chapter)

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