Target 19: Confrontations

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A/N: I'm just gonna throw this in 'kay?





When Tsuna had turned up the next day at school, he was met with a flying tonfa the moment he stepped through the gate. 

Way to greet someone early in the morning.

He had a second to ponder whether it was worth dodging or not before contact would be made between steel and his face. Then he remembered the presence of a certain Skylark in that warehouse incident, which meant Hibari saw what he could do, which meant -


Tsuna acted on reflex when he had down right smacked down the tonfa as if it was an annoying fly. He then looked around and realized that there were witnesses in the form of students and - and --

... Oops. 

-- Yeah... he really should've controlled his reflexes better. But then again, his mind doesn't work too well with his current body since the former had more than enough battle experiences while his body had little to none. What resulted from that would be sloppy movements that he couldn't control. 

He need to have someone to spar with to correct that.


... Preferably not the Skylark.

Tsuna flinched, but it wasn't the reason most people would think. He counted mentally to relax as he prepared to face one Hibari Kyouya.

"H-hi... um... Hibari-san." Tsuna greeted with strain, swallowing saliva forcefully down his throat as he discreetly backed away. He honestly hope that the once-Cloud would give him a break and not -

"I'll bite you to death."

Oh c'mon! Tsuna wailed mentally when Hibari made his move. He feigned tripping over air, dodging a horizontal swing. Though it had looked like he kissed the ground, Tsuna had discreetly placed a hand beneath him and it sprang him back up in record time. He took that chance to run, leaving a startled Skylark to wonder what had happened. 

"Sorry Hibari-san! I have to get to class!"

Tsuna didn't think he had messed up even in his speech, but because he was in a hurry to leave the scene, he forgot to stutter like a cower nor did he remember to sound even remotely fearful of the demon Prefect. Albeit, his Hyper Intuition was happily humming that he had unknowingly made it onto Hibari's obscure hit-list.




Tsuna realized that he had caught Hibari's attention when he was called to the Disciplinary Committee room. Everyone - minus Ienari, Gokudera, and Yamamoto, who were just confused - in his class gave him looks of pity as he walked out.

The brunet knew he had to confront the Skylark sooner than later after what happened, so he dragged himself over to the appointed room.

The moment Kusakabe Tetsuya let him in, he caught the tonfa that was, again, aimed at his face. He was more than a bit annoyed at the type of greeting he received today.

"Hibari-san -"

The Skylark didn't let him finish when he attacked.

"K-Kyo-san?!" Unfortunately, the startled Kusakabe was ignored.

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