Target 39: Inner Demons

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Enma never thought himself as a genius--and probably never well (whoever wants to claim that title, be his guest). And he wasn't going to deny it, using himself as bait and getting zapped was probably one of most stupid moves he could've made (Reborn would've liked to twist the knife by congratulating him for being aware of his low IQ).

But he couldn't wait anymore.

It's been about... a month? Two months? (He hasn't exactly been counting the days since he first opened his eyes somewhere off the shores in the Hokkaido province of Japan) since he had arrived. If it hadn't been the feeble bonds he felt, he might have been overwhelmed by the pure anger, hate, regret, resentment, grief--anguish when he was assaulted by memories-not-his as well as the ones engraved in his mind of the nightmarish days he wallowed through before he had died. The ones that told him, proved to him that he wasn't Enma Kozato who died at age sixteen but the one who had died at age twenty-six.

They'realivethey'realive they're alive, he repeated that mantra to himself as he resisted the urge to look for his family right then and there -- because his all but crippled state did not allow him to do so and because he remembered why he was here in the first place.




It was dark, dark, dark and Enma never really liked the dark. It reminded him too much of the room he was confined in, transformed into something-not-him.

He couldn't move, couldn't make an sound, couldn't open his eyes -- yet, he could still hear. 

He heard the cries of the Sky he considered his brother, the Sky that he had bonded with, and that very Sky that had pulled him out of that darkness years ago. 

"What do you mean he is losing his will to live?!"

... Will to live? Enma thought dully, memories rushed through his mind of the scenes where his guardians pushed him away and told him to continue moving, to continue escaping, to continue living.

Haha... he would've laughed scathingly to himself outloud if he could. What was there to live now that they're gone?

"Enma--" He felt his friend taking hold of his arm and shaking it along with his body. "Enma, you can't--please...!"

For a second, he thought that Tsuna was selfish. His family left him already but the man still wanted him to remain? But then again, he would have probably down the same to Tsuna if their roles were switched. 

They were family after all, and they would do anything to prevent a member of their family from leaving.

"Enma..." Tsuna was crying, and how he hated even the sound of that. "Why? Why did you guys have to go on some stupid investigation?"

Why? Enma pondered that himself for a second before he came to an answer. Right! The reason... the reason--Tsuna...!

He tried to move, tried to scream to get his friend's attention but to no avail. He was frantic of his inability to do anything after everything, but he he just couldn't let everything go to waste--not when they have lost so so much already!


His message never did get itself across even with Tsuna's Hyper Intuition because, well, he couldn't talk. He could only lie there helplessly as days passed, as his brother's mental state get worse--and so were the news that he brought. (It was to the point that Enma really wished that Tsuna didn't come visit him anymore--because maybe, just maybe, there wasn't anyone critically injured or dying, for that matter, of a war that shouldn't happen.

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