Target 6: Meet and Greet

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"We're finally back!"

"Shut up sword-freak or I'll blow you till kingdom come!"

"Guys... will you all just -"

"Gyahahaha! Lambo-sama can't wait to eat Maman's food again!"

"We're EXTREMELY back home!"

"Clam it turf-top!"

"What did you EXTREMELY say Octopus head?!"

"I said -"

"If you continue to crowd, I will bite you to death."

"Cloud man is scary..."

"... Oya? Skylark, stop scaring my dear Chrome or else."

"... you will be bitten to death."

"Kufufu, I would like to see you try."

"ACK! G-GUYS! NOT IN THE -" That sentence never finished because the occupants had to leave the private plane before it went to the scrapyard.

A short haired blonde with chestnut brown eyes gaped at the damage done, but he was soon snapped out of his daze by a kick to his head by an infant wearing a black suite and a fedora.


"Baka-Nari, stop gawking so openly or I will kick you."

"You already did!"

"I never said where and when I'll kick you," Reborn trampled on his student's back ("Ow!"). "Now did I?"

"N-no..." Ienari groaned as he was helped up by Gokudera and being fussed over by him like usual.

"Now, let's go," Reborn spared them no time to stretch and headed for the exit. "Our ride is waiting for us."

"Hai hai." Ienari sighed in defeat and dragged himself to follow his sadistic tutor.




After saying goodbye to... honestly, Ienari only said goodbye to Gokudera, Yamamoto, and Sasagawa since his other guardians left without even a moment's notice - and Lambo lives with him. 

He often wonder why his tutor even picked such wayward Mist and Cloud guardians for him, but he had seen them fight, and damn good at it too.

It was just that --

"Maman! Lambo-sama is back!"

-- And then there's Lambo.

"Oh, welcome back dear!" Nana scooped the young pseudo-cow up and beamed at Ienari and Reborn. "How was your trip Na-kun, Reborn-kun?"

"Um... okay. I guess." The blonde muttered, looking at the ground. He felt awkward for a moment before Reborn shoved him forward with another mid-kick.

"GAH! What the heck was that for Reborn?!"

"Show some considerations." His tutor muttered while pulling down his fedora, he then turned to the uncertain mother. "The trip was fine Maman. Baka-Nari needs more work on his studies though."

"Oh?" Nana broke into smiles again and gestured for them to come into the living room. "But Na-kun showed so much improvement already because of you. I can't thank you enough for taking care of my son!"

"Mom!" Ienari panicked while Reborn nodded. "Don't encourage the -"


"I dare you to finish that sentence, Baka-Nari."

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