Target 5: School Again (2)

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An enigma.

That was all Hana could use to describe the brunet sitting across from them on the school roof.

She remembered when Sawada - that clumsy monkey that was picked on by most of the class - was always flustered and tripping over his own two feet - and his words.

Kids teased him and call him Dame-Tsuna since the first year of elementary, with the bad grades and bad coordination to show for it. The boy had an obvious crush on her best friend a few years later - he was never discreet even when he tried to - but Kyoko being her oblivious self, never noticed.

But the one sitting in front of them, talking without even stuttering once, wasn't blushing like the idiot he was while talking to Kyoko. 

... Was he really Dame-Tsuna?

From the moment she saw him in front of class - the calm (borderline apathetic) composure in his stance, his obvious charm working its magic on their classmates, those strangely deep orange eyes - she knew that Sawada wasn't really.... Sawada? 

It was as if someone took his place.

... Or maybe it had something to do with the coma.

She wasn't sure, but she found this Sawada to be... a puzzle. His body seem weak, but there was a certain confidence about him. His sunset-orange eyes reflected so much that wasn't supposed to be there before.

If Hana were to describe it, then they seem not to be bound by time and space. The torrent of emotions that went through them (yet they never seem to flood the gate no matter how much there were), the timeless wisdom buried deep behind eyes that were once innocent brown -- 

("I was told that I was lucky to have woken up retaining the ability to see since I lost my sight right before I enter my coma, though... the doctor wasn't sure why my eye color changed." Sawada had explained when they asked about the peculiarity.)

-- spoke so much about what he experienced.

... But what did he experienced?

What made Dame-Tsuna so much more mature that he should be? So calm and gentle that he draws people in, yet they wouldn't want to be anywhere near him when he gets angry?

More importantly, what made him so... distant and sad?

"Kurokawa-san?" The enigmatic boy questioned with concern, the kind that made you want to do nothing but to reassure the bearer of that concern that everything was - will be - fine. "Are you alright?"

"... yeah." She grumbled, looking back down at her bento with a scowl. She didn't understand the puzzle that was now Sawada Tsunayoshi.

And she hated not understanding anything that concerned her friend - even though they didn't interact much.

"Don't think too hard," Sawada advised with a knowing smile, as if he understood what she was frustrated about. "Some things just aren't meant to be understood."

"What?" Hana narrowed her eyes at the boy suspiciously. Did he just... "What do you mean by that Sawada?"

Sawada blinked, looking none the wiser.

"... Physics." 

The brunet laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "I - err - we were talking about Physics, right? I mean - at least I think we were."

What? That was what their current topic of discussion?

Kyoko giggled. "I think Hana spaced out because she has no trouble on the subject!"

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