Target 3: Home Yet Not

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Clack, clatter!

The phone slipped from her hands when the news came. 

"Hello? Sawada-san? Are you there?"

Nana snapped out of her stupor when the the speaker on the other line was trying to reach her. She stumbled and picked up the phone shakily. 

"Y-yes... I- I -" Her words chocked, a hand covering her mouth just as a whimper escape. Her legs lost their strength, causing her  knees to buckle and fall. "R-really? Y-you're not... is he - really?"

"I only deliver news when it needs to be." The other spoke softly, chuckling a bit in the end. 

"Congratulations Sawada-san, you son, Sawada Tsunayoshi, has finally returned."




When Sawada Nana heard the unbelievable news, she had literally dropped everything that she was doing. She made a snatch for her purse, told Bianchi to watch the kids, and rushed out of her two-story house without an explanation whatsoever.

She was restless in the taxi - she was normally a very patient person, just not today - because In the span of ten minutes, she had asked the driver what was the most annoying question known to all travelers thirty plus times.

"Are we there yet?" That makes another one.

The driver gritted his teeth, he very nearly lost his temper when the destination came into view.

"YES!" He exclaimed in both irritation and relief.

Before he could even stop completely though, the woman was already out of the taxi... but not before giving the driver the fare and a generous amount of tip that made him forget about his previous anger.

Nana didn't even bother with informing the receptionist that she was visiting, nor did she heed to several warnings from passing nurses to slow down and watch her step. Her mind was solely focus on that one door that she has been coming in and out of several times a year for seven whole years.

She didn't even bother with the elevator, and took to the stairs instead. Only when she reached the fifth floor and standing in front of Room 507 did she abruptly stop.

Her shaking hand paused briefly over the handle as a voice floated out from the hospital room.

" - sure that there's nothing wrong, young man?"

Her heart became more erratic as she waited for a response. A familiar, timid voice that would rekindle her hope.

However, when she didn't hear a response, she felt dread overtaking her. (Why isn't there any response?) She couldn't wait another second longer and flung open the door.

The three occupants in the room turned to see a dishevel Nana breathing irregularly as if she had ran a marathon. 

Her caramel brown eyes swept past the nurse and the doctor, landing on a pair of... sunset-orange orbs. (Why aren't they brown?)

... Her son's eyes weren't supposed to be that color.... did - did someone replace him?

"T-Tsu... kun?" She asked uncertainly, staring the blank sunset-orange orbs. When the unfamiliar color slowly flicker with warmth and recognition, slowly felt like her Tsu-kun's, she gasped into her hands.

The reflex only last a few seconds but it made tears make their way down Nana's eyes as doubt ebbed away. He was different, but it was still her Tsu-kun.

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