Target 29: Birds of a Feather

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Said boy paused in writing an essay that was due in a few hours, head turning around to the source of the voice. He watched in fascination as a small orange flame coalesced itself in the middle of his room, then growing until it was the size of an adult human.

The flames dispersed away, leaving behind a familiar transparent figure don in a three-piece black pinstriped suit and cape.

"Dad... no..." Tsuna frowned, idly noting that the pocket watch he always kept on his person was resonating with the new presence because their flame signature were similar. Although parallel selves were identical, there were disparages -- some large, some small -- that made them difference from each other. "Vongola Primo....?"

The Founder smiled warmly towards Tsuna. "He and I are essentially the same so call me however you feel comfortable. Besides, whether you are of the current or the past Tsunayoshi, you are still my descendant by blood, there's no need for the formalities."

Tsuna blinked owlishly before laughing and grinning. "You and Dad are really similar in this world."

"Are we?" Vongola Primo chuckled and shook his head lightly at the same time. "I have only been given my parallel self's memories through the crossing so that might have indirectly brought about some effect in the similarities."

"Dad worries too much," Tsuna pouted, not at all surprised at the news. "To think he would actually share his memories with his parallel self so that you can help me..."

Giotto's lips quirked in an amused smile. "A parent will always be worried about their child, Tsunayoshi."

"... Tsuna," The brunet corrected, then elaborated at the questioning glance he was given. "No formalities, right?"

"Right," Primo nodded in agreement, his expression all the brighter. "I seem to recall you have met G?"

"Oh yeah, he's as agreeable as the one I know." Tsuna answered blandly, thinking back to the morning he was trying to give Gokudera a hint of what he was doing wrong.

"You're G." Tsuna remarked lamely at the ghost-like apparatus that floated towards him from the direction of his house.

"Well, no sh**."

"... That was our conversation starter." Tsuna recalled helpfully to his ancestor, who was restraining himself from face-palming.

"... Lovely."

"Right?" Tsuna agreed. "But I was really surprised when he told me how you guys received memories from your parallel selves."

"It was..." Giotto flourished a hand. "Probably the most notable events that happened to us in the near two centuries that our Wills had been carved into the Vongola Rings. My guardians and I were quite curious about you but we never found the right moment to appear without unnecessary commotion." He paused before adding, "We do know that your Sky flames are comparable to mine for the Vongola Rings to react like it had done."

"... Why did it do that? It wasn't one of you guys' bright ideas right?"

"No," Giotto rolled his eyes at Tsuna's joke. "We may have the ability to unseal the Rings but we are still only Wills trapped within. The Vongola Rings are an entirely different set of entities of their own; hence, there are two possible methods of selecting the Rings' inheritors. One is for us to name our true successors, or two, the Rings will recognize their next holders themselves if the two parties are to ever cross paths while the Rings remain ownerless. Just like how the Mare Rings choose theirs."

Tsuna frowned. "But I shouldn't be - I can't be the holder." His hand went to clasp the pocket watch under his shirt. "I know for a fact that my... Time doesn't belong to this world to begin with so it's impossible..."

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