Target 8: Distance

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When Tsuna saw the two (his right and left hand - no they're not!), his entire frame froze with shock - nonono - and his breath hitched in his throat. Then, before he realized it, he was already walking down memory lane. 

"Good afternoon Tsuna-sama!"

"Yo, Tsuna!"

"Oi, I told you so many times to give Tsuna-sama more respect!"

"Maa maa, Tsuna doesn't mind and we're all family here!"

Vongola Decimo chuckled as he placed down his pen. "Good afternoon two, getting along as usual I hope?"

"Haha, you betcha!"

"Che," Hayato glared briefly at Takeshi before beaming brightly at Tsuna. "Have you ate anything yet Tsuna-sama?"

Tsuna's smile became strained.

"... haha... I - um... forgot...?" He smiled nervously while beads of sweat trail down from his temple. His right and left hand men immediately gave Tsuna the look.

"Tsuna-sama, you..."

"... have been holed up in your office all day and night again haven't you?"

"M-maa..." The Decimo backed up until his back was against the spine of the chair he was sitting on while his Storm and Rain guardians came closer and closer with admonishing looks... and twitching hands that told Tsuna they were about to abduct him to the dinning room - no, screw that, it was the kitchen by the looks of things - and stuff him with food like a turkey.

The scene suddenly twisted and shatter, replacing the tranquil morning with --

-- Blood. 

So red and so fresh, blooming like a crimson rose. 

Faces streaked with it, cuts and bruises everywhere in the carnage. 

Bodies littered the ground and - ohgodthere'ssomuchbloodand -  

Two pairs of glassy eyes stared at him, one of a hollow green and the other of empty amber brown. They were once so lively but now they were sososo --

-- D E a d.

Tsuna forced himself to snap out of it with everything he could muster - you're hyperventilating. Breathe in, breathe out, in, out, in - and clutched the strap of his school bag tightly, yet shakily. His other hand was hiding in his pant pocket, nails digging so deep into flesh that he can feel blood starting to seep through.

He continued though; the pain kept him sane, kept him from wandering back into those haunting scenes.

But when amber brown eyes caught his own sunset-orange ones, Tsuna had the sudden urge to scream and cry - Why are you looking at me like that?! - and fling himself at the two and apologize over and over and over and over - It's all my fault, I couldn't protect any of you! I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry -

Focus, Dame-Tsuna. Focus.

This is a different world - strangers. They're strangers. They don't know you. You don't know them. Besides, they're fine without you.

Act natural! Right, natural. Naturalnaturalnatural --

Tsuna swallowed and slowly - ever-so slowly - he loosen his grip; he finally mastered the art of apathy.

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