Chapter Thirty Six

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(A/N: AAHH! FINALLY AN UPDATE! So sorry that this took forever to put out but you don't want to hear my excuses, right? Anyway, wanted to leave a quick note because Stiles makes another off handed remark about not caring about his safety or life and I just wanted to leave a warning in case that kind of thing makes you uncomfortable or anything. Like I said before, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here to talk. Love you guys *hugs and kisses you on the head*)

Agents came from every direction, surrounding the pack, also forcing Isaac, Allison, and Kira out into the open.

The pack all stood in a circle, their backs to one another as they faced the agents. The weres shifted completely, their glowing eyes glaring at the agents with more fire than hell could muster. Allison and Stiles prepared their weapons while Kira ripped out her katana. "Now, this is a sight." They all heard Visage taunt.

Stiles didn't move, keeping his gun trained on the agents in front of him. "You know, once we're done here, once you come with us, you're going to wish you had died all those years ago, Asset." Visage continued to sneer.

Stiles didn't miss a fucking beat. "Trust me," He spoke, and he didn't bother to hide the hostility and venom. "I already do."

With that, he surged forward and a battle broke out.


Derek and the others fought their own battle and didn't pay too much attention to Stiles, knowing that he could handle himself. That didn't stop them from worrying about him. He had just said that he wished he were dead. That was... Big; Huge. It wasn't something that they would take with a grain of salt.

Derek had to push that into the back of his mind however. He needed to focus on the enemy right now.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the others fighting but Stiles was no where to be seen. Derek knocked the person he had been fighting out, then looked around for Stiles. He was then tackled to the ground from behind. He landed with a grunt and quickly turned around, trying to wrestle the man pinning him away. The man managed to get a few good hits in when--


The man fell next to Derek, his eyes wide and a bullet hole right in his forehead.

Derek pushed himself up and looked towards where the gunshot had come from. His eyes widened at what he saw. Up in a nearby tree was Stiles, gun in hand. Derek nodded towards him in thanks. Stiles only reloaded the gun and dropped out of view.

Derek ran over to the others and hide behind the car they were crouching behind when he saw Stiles run towards them in the corner of his eye. He saw Stiles jump up onto a car, aiming his gun at the nearest agent. However, Derek also saw Visage charge at Stiles. Derek didn't have time to call out to him before the two began to fight viciously.

(A/N: Skip to 1:40 in the video. Stiles is of course the Winter Soldier/Bucky and Visage is Captain America/Steve. Just for this fight though. Ignore the 'Bucky?/Who the hell is Bucky?' part and also the Falcon/Sam Wilson kick at the end. Like I said last time I used a video, I don't not own this video and have nothing to do with it. The video belongs to the owner and the action belongs to Marvel)

Visage smirked at Stiles then took out a grenade and tossed it at him.

Stiles ran over to the car and ducked behind it just as the boom when off. A huge cloud of fire and smoke engulfed the small area.

As it cleared, no one moved. Derek had seen Stiles fight before but this... This was horrifying. The way he moved, and the way he attacked, like he was prepared to kill the man he was fighting. No, not like, he really WAS prepared to kill the man he had been fighting.

Slowly, very slowly, Derek and the others came out from behind the car. They saw Stiles come out as well. He stood with his shoulders rolled back and an unreadable look on his face. His eyes were another story. Normally holding a sad, distant look with an dark and fierce undertone, they now looked down right murderous. He abruptly moved, startling the others slightly. Kira inched closer Malia.

He walked over to what looked like a body. Everyone jumped when the said body began to laugh and stand up. Stiles tore out his gun and aimed it with a bloody and steady hand. He never even batted on eyelid when the man began to speak. "You--You really think you're gonna win?!" the man, who, by voice, was now recognizable. It was Visage. He was hysterical and, they could only assume, really, insane.

"The--The others--They're...! They're gonna find you!" He stumbled at stand properly, his arms waving widely as though they had a mind of their own. He giggled insanely. "You--You... Cannot hide, Asset! They're gonna find you." His voice turned into a sing-song one. "They're gonna find you~! You can't hide~!"

He was insane, and yet...

Stiles didn't even blink.

He kept his eyes locked on Visage, cold and hard. His hand didn't shake or tremble, they were steady and still. He looked almost like a statue, even the rise and fall of his chest was almost unnoticeable.

Visage giggled for a moment more, then looked at his body. It was burnt. His clothes, his skin, his hair. His skin was angry shades of pink and red. His face was covered in burns, his arms, legs, and chest too. His eyebrows were gone and the left side of his hair was almost completely gone, a few patches being the exception. "And when they see what you've done," Visage said in his raspy and gravelly voice, startling the others.

Stiles blinked.

"When they find you!" He shouted randomly, making Stiles blink again. "There's no telling what kind of hell they're gonna bring on you! It's gon--gonna be unimaginable! And I can imagine sooo many things..."

Visage trailed off as his standing became more steady. Stiles hadn't moved, except now he had his jaw clenched and his eyes looked a bit more wary. Visage's pupils then suddenly dilated. He went still, making the others tense. His eye started to twitch and his head shook, sharply twitching. His hands shook. He had sounded insane and now he looked it.

"They're gonna find you, they're gonna find you, they're gonna find you..." Visage chanted in a shrill, insane voice.

"They're... Gonna... Find....


Visage lunged at Stiles.

The pack tense and they readied to attack and they were about to defend Stiles when--


Visage's body fell.

The pack stiffened and stared.

Stiles lowered his gun.

His eyes were cold and hard.

Blood pooled beneath Visage's head.

Stiles didn't even blink.

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