Chapter Twelve

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Facility #054 - Columbia, South America
13:26 PM (1:26 PM)

Grayson Eric Silver, aka the Commander, was in his office when he received the information.

He was reading over a few files when one of his soldiers knocked on his door. He looked up without care and said, "Enter." 

A man walked in. He had brown hair and green eyes, fair skin and a well built body. Silver stared at the man as he approached his desk and immediately got a reading off of him. He eyes kept fidgeting around the room, never making eye contact. His hands were behind his back but he could tell that he was tapping his fingers. His skin was glistening slightly, signaling that he was nervous. Silver knew that the man was nervous about something. 

"Sir," he greeted. 

"Soldier," he replied, standing. "Do you bring news?" 

"Y-Yes, sir." he stuttered, something the Commander didn't allow. He let it go this time. 

"Well, please, enlighten me on what has happened." he said, smiling. He walked over to his file cabinet, opened it up and flipped through the different files, his back turned to the man. He was looking for the personal file on the latest project. The Asset. He continued, "How has our newest project been going? How has Patient #0056 been holding up?" 

The soldier paused for a moment, then admitted, "Well, you see, s-sir, that's what I came to tell you about." 

Silver lifted his head slightly but didn't turn away from the files. "And? Has there been any progress? Are we ready to subject him to the newest serum?" he asked, eager to know. They had been working on a new serum to make their weapon even more perfect. He would follow orders without hesitation and could kill just about anyone. His mind would work at incredible speeds, especially after all of this thoughts had been emptied out. He would be exceptional, perfect. 

"A-actually, n-no, sir." 

Silver finally raised his head up but still didn't turn away from the files. "Why?" he asked simply.

"Y-you see, sir, there was--there was a complication. Well, there is a complication." The soldier rambled on. 

"Please do spit it out." Silver snapped. 

The Soldier blanched for a moment and as Silver was about to snap again when he blurted out, "The Asset has escaped, sir." 



It was suffocating. 

Finally, the Commander reacted. 

He slowly turned around to face the soldier. He whispered, "Come again?"

The man didn't make eye contact and kept his eyes glued to the floor. "He--He escaped, sir. Broke out of the room we had him in. He killed a couple of the guards along the way." 

"And where is he now?" the Commander asked with such calmness, it was terrifying. 

"W-we don't know, sir. He--He could be anywhere." the soldier replied. 

The Commander blinked once then abruptly walked over to his desk. He stood behind the chair and said, "When was this?"

"Just a few hours ago, sir." the soldier managed to say without stuttering.

"Mhm." was his only response. 

He walked to his desk draw and opened it, but didn't take anything out. "How did he escape?" he asked with, again, such calmness, it was startling. 

"I-I was c-coming back from a mission. He-he, uh, pushed me off my m-motorcycle and got on it. H-he drove out of the compound." he responded, a stuttering mess. 

Silver raised his eyebrows in acknowledgement. He then dug through his desk draw, saying, "Thank you, soldier." The soldier nodded, his shoulders loosening up. "But unfortunately, you let me down." The soldier's eye widened. "You let our most successful project get away."

"P-Please, sir. Anything I can do to make it up to you, I'll do it." the soldier pleaded. 

The Commander cocked his head to the side then nodded, making a face. "Okay, soldier. You can do something for me." he said, making the soldier nod profusely. "It's quite easy, actually. A little cliché as well." 

"Anything, sir." the soldier repeated. 

"You can die." 

Before anything else could happen, the Commander pulled out a gun, cocked it and shot the man once in the head, sending him to the ground. He stared down at the body, thinking of ways to get his weapon back. He had to; he couldn't afford to lose all of that progress, that data. 

His eyes then traveled up to the wall, which was splattered in blood and other bits. He groaned quietly and said, "And to think, I just had that repainted." 

(A/N: This is sort of a response to the comment @gothvampire left. So, yes, the Commander is still relevant. And I have plenty of tricks up my sleeve *wink* Okay that was creepy... Anyway, hope you guys like the chapter!)  

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