Chapter 21

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Hope, the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.  I was hanging on to a thin line of hope. Hope that I would rescue Harry, Gabby and a large group of abducted girls. But what scared me the most was that two people I cared about greatly were in danger. They were on that short list of people I cared about. My mom being at the top of that list. But she was torn away from me and I don’t know when I would see her again. It’s been hard to care about anyone else ever since. I pushed everyone away along with my responsibilities. The responsibilities that came with being a teenager, a daughter, a friend and a spy. It’s been hard to pick myself up but I met someone who did. He brought out a new side of me that I never thought was there. My mom always taught me to be independent and told me I didn't need a man to be happy. But Harry taught me that there was more to me than just a spy, whether he knew it or not. He made me feel stronger than ever. He hasn't been through as much as I have but I feel that he’s much wiser than I am and he always seems like he knows what he’s talking about. When I met Harry I never thought he’d be the person to give me hope that everything would be okay. Just one look into his emerald eyes gave me hope.

I could see them now. They were like a dark sea of green. Admiring me and making me feel like I wasn’t alone. Except I could actually see them right in front of me. I was dreaming. I had to be dreaming. I blinked and blinked but he was there. He was sitting right in front of me. With his famous grin painted on his face.

“Harry? Is that you?” I mumbled. But my words only came out as gibberish. I had duct tape over my mouth. I was tied on to a chair with my arms behind my back. I tried getting up as well but my feet were tied to the legs of the wooden chair. My mind was quickly waking up and becoming more alert.

Harry was tied up like me as well. With duct tape over his mouth as his head hung low. His eyes full of sorrow and grief. I was happy I could finally see him but not like this. I had to get us out of here.

I looked around and realized we weren’t alone. In a far corner I saw another person tied up to a chair facing the wall. It was a girl with long, wavy, brown hair and olive skin. It was Gabby. It had to be. Her head hung low. It looked like she was asleep. I grunted as loud as I could through the duct tape. Her head shot up and she turned her head. Her eyes were wide as she realized I was there.

“Sam?” she asked, for some reason she didn’t have duct tape or any other speech impediments over her mouth. They probably didn’t want me and Harry to speak to each other. Making it more painful for me.

I nodded my head as tears pooled at the corners of my eyes. It hurt so much to see both Gabby and Harry like this. They looked like they hadn’t eaten in days.

“Sam I’m so glad you’re here but I’m afraid you gave them what they wanted,” Gabby started. “They’ve been trying to catch you, using Harry as bait and now me. They weren’t going to feed us until you showed up but you should have let your dad take care of this.” I shook my head, clearly disagreeing with her. I had to do this myself, no matter how much danger I’d be in. I’m a spy; I should know how to do this. “Sam, this mission was completely different than any of us thought. Whoever is behind all this is very smart and knew every move we would make.”

I looked back at Harry. He seemed worried and confused. I wish I could apologize for putting him in this mess. The most I could show him was the look in my eyes trying to tell him that I was sorry. He seemed to understand and gave me a look telling me it was okay but it only made me feel worse.

“I haven’t been able to see any of their faces, just their shadows. But I know one of them wears a huge ring and a lot of cologne,” Gabby started again. My eyes were wide open as I tried to show her that I knew who that was. “You’ve seen him before?” she questioned. I nodded my head. “Well I can somehow feel that he’s not the big master behind all of this. There’s someone else here even more powerful than him. He always walks in wearing a mask. He must have been the one to make that video call.” Harry nodded his head quickly as to confirm what Gabby said. I looked back at Gabby to continue telling me what else she knew. “I don’t know why, Sam, but he really wants you. It seems like he really needs you and I’m afraid it’s not for any good purposes. I also know it has something to do with your mom. I’ve heard them speak of her a lot.”

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