Chapter Sixteen

Começar do início

“Of course I do! Preferably as soon as possible. Liam’s OCD standards are making me want to throw myself out the window.” I complained

“Well in the next…” he looked at his watch “7 or 8 hours, you will have a new home” he told me. “Let’s go pack your stuff” He smiled at me with his cute little braces smile.


“Are we done yet?” Niall whined, as he threw the last box of my clothes down on the bedroom floor.

“Yeah I’m pretty sure” I smiled at him. “Wait. We have forgotten something.” I told him. I loved his reaction; he instantly freaked out that I had left something important at Liam’s.

“We are meant to be going out tonight! For my birthday party with the boys!” I told him while I was rummaging through my boxes and suitcases full of clothes, trying to find something more suitable than my current attire; a pair of denim cut-offs, an old polo shirt and jumper of Niall’s; to wear to a nightclub.

I managed to find a tight black dress that went mid-thigh, a pair of my favourite black heels, a pair of stockings and a red overcoat. Perfect. I thought to myself. I looked at my hair and face in the mirror and new a shower was necessary. I still had about an hour and a half until we were meant to meet the boys.

I quickly showered, washed my hair and all that jazz, got out and blow-dried my hair, before putting on my dress. As I was doing so, I thought about the decision we were forced to come to; our pretend break up. We had to pretend like we weren’t together, and next interview Niall had to say he was single. I hated this. But it was what I had to do to keep my job.

I noticed that my hair had gone totally frizzy from being blow-dried; so I pulled out my GHD and straightened it properly.

I began to do my make-up, and Niall, unnoticed at the doorway said, “I don’t know why you wear that. You are beautiful enough as it is.” He said, before moving towards me and putting his arms around my waist and looking at our reflection in the mirror.

I wasn’t one of those fake girls, in fact, even when I did wear makeup it wasn’t that much, but I liked to dress up every now and again. “Also, you might want to hurry love, we only have 15 minutes before we leave” I told him.

“Oh well. It will only take me 5 to get ready.” He said before slipping out of the room. I instantly missed his touch when he left; I liked it when he held me. I felt safe. He was so… so perfect. I don’t know what I did to deserve him.

Not even 5 minutes later Niall emerged in a grey cardigan and maroon polo shirt with cream trousers and a pair of white supras. Damn him for getting ready so quickly. He put some gel in the front of his hair and ran a comb through it. “Done!” he announced. “In 7 minutes” he grinned proudly after he received a rather appropriate for the situation, hand gesture from me.

“Time to go love!” he yelled, just as I was putting my shoes on.

“Coming!” I yelled after him. I walked out into the lounge room where the rest of the boys were waiting for me, and I heard a wolf-whistle coming from Harry. He received a slap on each arm; one from Louis and one from Niall. “All ready to go?” I asked them as they all stood up to walk out the door.

We were taking a taxi to some pretentious club Harry organised. He somehow managed to get us half price drinks. All he needs to do is be like “Hey, I’m Harry Styles” and use his beautiful smile, complete with dimples, and he has the female species wrapped around his little finger.

When we arrived at the club, Louis got us all a round of drinks; 5 shots and a coke. Little Harry wasn’t 18 for another few weeks. Ha.

We all took the shots Louis bought us, and then Liam shouted us a round, and then Zayn, then Niall, and by that time Harry had started drinking too, and getting away with it.

Liam and I were on the outskirts of the dancefloor, on the opposite side to where the rest of the boys were sitting. I loved watching them, and that sounds weird, but I like to watch the way they interact with each other; like they had been friends since preschool, but have actually only known each other for a couple of years.

Niall caught my eye and began to make his way over to where Liam and I were. It was so noisy in the club I could barely hear Liam speak.

From behind Niall someone must have called his name, because he spun around to see who it was, and as he did a girl threw herself on him. He pushed her away immediately, but it was too late. She had already tried to snog his face off.

Liam could see me fuming as I stormed over to where they were. I thought I had seen this girl before, but I couldn’t remember where.

I remembered that this shouldn’t be a problem; everyone wanted us to break up anyway. Maybe it would be a good thing. Maybe this was happening for a reason.

Thanks for reading! I'm going to steal Abbey's idea, and the person to guess these song lyrics right get a dedication;

"The sun goes down, the stars come out,

and all that counts is here and now"

Name the song and the artist! (:

I Don't Have The Answer.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora