Chapter Twelve

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Hello to anyone reading this, I am so so so so so sorry I didn't post this chapter 5 days when I said I would, I feel so terrible to all of my amazing fans,!I have been staying at my grandparent's house, and mum and dad wouldn't let me take my laptop, so I had no internet for like 5 days D: I'm so suprised I didn't die! And then we got home and it took me 3 days to think of something to write  But this is the story I have promised! It's here, just a bit late, but thank you for reading! I'm also sorry tis so short :/ But I need to say that I did get a part of this story from a story I found on tumblr, because I couldn’t think ho to word it :/ But thanks for reading anyway (: You know the ususal routine; vote, comment, and fan pretty please (:

Niall's POV

I walked out of the bathroom into my bedroom to find Sarah there, on Twitter or something on her phone, "have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" I asked her as I slid into bed next to her,

"have I ever told you how amazing you are?" she replied with a smile.

Then I kissed her, but I tried to put the right amount of emotion into it, to try and show her how I really felt. I think she understood, because she pulled away and looked me in the eyes and said "I love you Niall, I really really do."

"And I love you too, Sarah Jayne Tomlinson, more than you can ever imagine." he replied.


"Why exactly did you feel the need to ruin the moment lads?" Sarah asked them, clearly pissed off.

"Well we couldn't hear any moans or anything, so we didn't think Niall was getting anything-" Harry begun, he only stopped because Zayn elbowed him in the ribs.

"We wanted to know if you guys wanted to do a twitcam with us?" Zayn asked, he seemed embarrassed by Harry's comment

"No thanks boys, we're all good" Sarah told them

"So he is getting-" Harry begun, with a cheeky glint in his eye, once again only stopping because Zayn elbowed him in the ribs, only harder this time.

"We'll see you two in the morning" Zayn said, rolling his eyes as he dragged Harry out the door.

As the door closed behind him, I turned to Sarah, and trying not to laugh I asked her "so where were we?"

"Here" she said, kissing me.

"I thought I was telling you how amazing you are, and how much I loved you?" I asked her, as she took her jumper off.

“Well yeah, that too” she said, as she kissed me again.

Sarah’s POV

 Laying me down softly underneath him, his arms supported his weight above me. His breathing; hot in the back of my throat, became ragged, and I pulled his body down closer to mine so that there was no longer a gap between us. I could feel his tongue glazing lightly over my bottom lip, but instead of allowing entrance I smiled, pulling away and rolling over so that I was lying on top of him.

“Why do you do that to me?” He whispered, reaching up and running his hand gently through my messy hair.

“Do what?” I asked, smiling into the kiss

He started to chuckle; his hand finding its place behind the back of my neck. “Like you don’t know” he whispered again, pulling me down towards him and connecting our lips once more. I was smiling again, and so was he.  

The kiss became more passionate, his breath hot in the back of my throat, as I grabbed a fistful of his shirt and pulled it over his head, him then doing the same to me. Gripping tightly onto his neck and looking straight into his perfect blue eyes, I nodded. Again, he knew what I meant, and placing tiny, soft kisses along my jaw and down my neck, he slowly began unfastening the belt of his trousers. Smashing my lips to his own with as much longing as I could muster, he tossed his trousers aside.

I woke up the next day to find him still asleep, so I snuck out of bed and got dressed before walking out to the kitchen to attempt to find something semi-edible.

As I was making myself a cup of tea, Liam walked out of his bedroom on the phone, I heard the end of the conversation which went as such; “ok, so it’s just the lads? They might be a bit disappointed, yep, ok, we will see you tonight, bye Simon.”

“Oh. I didn’t even realise you were up” Liam said, making himself and Danielle a cup of tea after I moved out the way.

“What was that about?” I asked him, referring to the phone call that ended not even 30 seconds ago

“Oh yeah, Simon wants me and the lads to go to a party that he is having, something about having good contacts and crap like that. But unfortunately you girls aren’t allowed to come.” He said shifting uncomfortably. I was kind of glad. I hated those high-rise parties.

“Oh well. We can stay back here and paint our nails and drink cocktails and various other girly things Zayn would love to join in on” I told him, “what time do you have to leave for it?”

“About 6 I’d say.” He replied looking at the time on his phone. Walking back to his room with the two cups of tea.

“Get up lazy!” I yelled, walking into Niall’s room.

“Uhhhhhg” was the reply I got, mixed in with a few choice swear words.

“You guys have a party tonight. Daddy Liam just spoke to Simon.”

Everyone eventually got up, and at about 11:30, we were all in the lounge room of the tour bus, going to some other random place, and the boys had pulled out the X-Box and were killing each other.

Eventually it was my go, and I had to verse Harry and Niall. And I beat them. “This is a twitter worthy moment I think guys!” Louis said, pretending to fake cry. He took a self-timer photo of us all and put it on twitter saying, “My sister beat Niall and Harry on the X-Box, I think I just found some respect for her”

The day passed much too quickly for my liking, and by 6:15 they were all ready to leave except Zayn, who was to no surprise, doing his hair. The lads eventually left, and I was left with Hannah and Danielle. 

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