Chapter Two

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"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!?" shit. Louis. "Sarah come here!" Louis demanded. "Louis please," I started, when I walked over to him. He was so angry at me, but I have no idea why. I didn't do anything wrong. We are both 17; both over the legal age, and we weren't even doing anything, it was just a kiss. Louis was totally overreacting. "Lou what are you even doing here? I thought you were recording?" I asked him, "Well it's getting late, and I thought you might want to go home." He shifted uncomfortably, "well, actually me and Niall were just practicing-" I said, before Louis interrupted "-practicing what exactly?" He said, raising his eyebrow at me, "Umm I was working on a new song for the album, and she was giving me her opinion, right Sarah?" Niall said, giving me one of those 'agree with me or else' looks. "Yeah we were, it's actually really good." I said with a fake smile in Louis' direction, "Ok" he said, taking the lie, "Show me then." yay for me creating awkward moments. I hope Niall had been working on something so we at least weren't totally lying. "Uhh well, it's not very far along yet, and I was going to show all the lads at the same time" he said, shuffling awkwardly away from me and Louis, putting his guitar away, "hmmm okay then" Louis said, still seeming suspicious about the whole thing, "but anymore funny business between you too, and Niall I will kick your ass all the way back to Ireland." "haha okay mate, it's all good" Niall replied, "You think I'm kidding? You break my sister's heart and I will break your face. Band member or not." Louis said, as he turned on the heel of his worn-out TOMS and left the room. Niall and I looked at each other and burst out laughing, then with him going bright red I picked up my guitar and left the room. I walked over to the couches in the reecording studio, as thst was the only other place I could be without Niall being in the room. I sat down, put my headphones in and started my maths homework. I was terrible at maths, and I knew a few of the boys would help me out, unfortunately the only ones good at maths that I knew of were Louis and Niall. But Liam was sitting close by, on twitter answering some fan questions, and I called out to him, "Hey Liam, are you any good at maths?" "Actually, yes I am haha" He said, "I got the maths award in highschool" he told me proudly, "feel like giving me a hand then?" and with that I had myself a tutor. Liam and I were sitting in front of the glass that Niall and Harry were behing recording in, and I knew perfectly well Niall's eyes were on me the whole time. Liam sensed something was up, because he said "Niall really likes you, you do know that right?" "And I really like him," I replied, "was the song really obvious?" I asked him, suddenly going bright red "it actually was perfect, I think it really made him think if it was about him or not, and Harry and Zayn have been trying to talk him into making a move on  you for ages, but he keeps chickening out and worrying about Louis" "Yeah well, Niall kissed me-" "-FINALLY!" He interrupted me, "sorry go on," he said with an apologetic smile,“and Lou walked in, and he was really angry, and said something like ‘anymore funny business between you two and I will kick your ass back to Ireland’ and then Niall was like ‘yeah it’s all good mate’ and Louis said ‘you think I’m joking? You break my sister’s heart and I will break your face, bandmate or not’ so I'm not sure if he is is saying he will get angry if anything happens, or will he get angry if Niall hurts me?" I realised this whole time I had been rambling to Liam, that I was staring at Niall. I lost my train of thought watching him and Harry sinng, and it seemed like he kept messing up and Harry and Simon were getting angry at him. I knew it was all my fault and I felt terrible. "Sorry Liam, thanks for your help, I have to find Lou." before running off in search for my brother.

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