Chapter Eight

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WARNING: This chapter contains some adult themes, and I have warned you, so don’t blame me if you read on (;

Chapter 8

It was about 6:00 am on the day of Niall’s birthday, and I had kind of planned things out.  I got up, and had a shower and stuff, walked into the kitchen to find Liam. “How come you’re up so early?” He asked me. It was common knowledge that Liam got up freakishly early to work out. “No reason, just wanted to give Niall his birthday present.” I said, before turning around starting to make two cups of tea, “And, may I ask, what would that be?” He asked me. The tone in his voice made me think he already knew what I was planning to do. “Hmmm. Birthday sex. The quiet ones are always the kinky ones.” He said with a wink, before walking back to his room. “Not a word of this to any of the others. Got it?” I hissed at him. “Cross my heart” he said. Liam always seemed to have this look on his face, him somehow thinking he knew more than he let on. I pushed Liam out of my head and let myself into Niall’s room. I knew it was early, but living on a bus with 5 boys doesn’t really give you time for an interesting life in the bedroom.

 I slipped into his bed, and kissed him to wake him up. “Morning birthday boy” I said, rubbing his bare arm, “Moooooooorning beautiful.”  He said, when he realised who it was, “What no breakfast this time?” he asked with a smile. “No but there is tea, and if you go and brush your teeth I have a surprise for you.” He drank his tea and brushed his teeth. I pushed him down on the bed and straddled him, pulling my jumper off as I went. “Seeing as it’s you’re your birthday and everything, I thought I could give you an extra little present” I said cheekily. He knew what was coming, but he wasn’t complaining.  “Only if you’re sure babe,” He said.  I had forgotten what a gentleman he was. “Would I be doing this if I wasn’t sure” I said, as I continued kissing his neck. “I’m not complaining” he said cheekily, pulling the bottom of my shirt over my head. “Do you know how amazing you are?” he said to me as he smiled into the kiss. “You’re just saying that because I’m in your bed in nothing but my underwear” I replied, pulling his shirt off,  then gently moving in to kiss him, only stopping to begin nibbling his bottom lip “well, that may have something to do with it” he replied as he won the battle with my bra. Then he began fiddling with the side of my underwear, pushing me back onto the bed so he was lying on top of me. I was mentally preparing myself for what I was about to do. I decided I was going to do this, because it was what he wanted and I loved him enough to give him what he wanted. He reached for his wallet, and found the familiar spot where all boys keep protection. I wanted to take all precautions. I really didn’t want kids at this point in my life, and neither did Niall. He kept asking if I was sure, he really is a gentleman. “Babe, are you 100% sure? I don’t want you feel you have to do something just because I want to?” I leant up towards him and kissed him, before sliding his boxers down, signalling a silent yes.

After the deed was done, I realised I made the right decision.  I looked at the clock, 8:30. SHIT! All the boys would usually be up by now, crap what will my excuse be? “Just ignore me boys, I just snuck into Niall’s room. But nothing happened.” Yeah, because they were really going to believe that. To my surprise the bus was empty. I crept back into my room, through the silent bus, not wanting to be the victim of a surprise attack. Nothing. I walked into my room and found a note on my bed;


I know what you were planning for Niall, so I woke the boys and dragged them outside in an attempt to get them on a fitness kick. Harry suspected, and asked me where you and Niall were. He worked it out himself. I made him pinky promise not to say anything to the others, they were all too sleepy to notice you two were missing. Have fun (;

Love Liam

Ps; text me when it is safe for us to come back (;

I pulled out my phone and saw I had two new messages, one from Harry I worked it out. Have fun (;  the second from Liam We are coming back now! I couldn’t stall them any longer! Start making breakfast or something as a cover up!  Gosh he was too smart for his own good. I ran into Niall’s room to find him exactly where I left him “back for round two, hey babe?” he said in a cheeky tone. “Get up. Everyone will be back in 5 and we need to make breakfast as a cover up!” He quickly got up, and dressed, and I realised I was just in my shorts and bra. I grabbed one of Niall’s hoodies and threw it on, before running to the kitchen and pulled out bacon, eggs and bread. Niall started the toast as I was in front of the stove, hoping the pan would heat up and start cooking the bacon quickly. Within almost seconds the place smelt like bacon as it popped and hissed on the stove. “I hope you liked your birthday present.” I asked him, “how could I not like that?” he asked, that same cheeky glint in his eye that was there from the moment the idea of his present came into his head. “I love you Sarah.” He said, kissing me. And before long I was sitting on the counter with my legs wrapped around his torso, his hand slowly creeping up the hoodie I was wearing, before we heard Louis call out “HONEY! I’M HOMEEEEEEEEEE!” they had clearly let him have coffee. I just managed to save the bacon in time, as the four boys walked into the kitchen. Harry had obviously filled Zayn into what was going on, because the three of them all had these irritating smirks on their faces. Louis, totally oblivious to what happened, dove straight into the fridge and pulled out his carrots. “Lou we made breakfast! Put the carrots down.” I told him, “bu-bu-bu NO LOUIS PROTESTED!” “Of course you made breakfast” Harry began, “It’s not as if you had anything else fun to do this morning” one of these days I will punch that boy in the face. “No of course not Harry. Could I have a word?” I said, dragging him off before he had a chance to answer. “Just remember Styles, she’s my girlfriend!” Niall yelled after him. “Yeah! And my little sister!” Louis added. I turned around to pull a face at Louis, and noticed Niall go bright red. He seemed to have forgotten that if Louis finds out what we did, he would literally get his ass kicked back to Ireland. “Harry!” I screeched at him, after we were  pit of earshot “Are you a total moron? Do you know how screwed we would be if Lou found out?” “well technically, you are already screwed.” Harry said to me in all seriousness. “crazyfoolsaywhaaaaat?”

I asked him, combining all the words into one, “Well, you and Niall this morning, he screwed you, so technically-“ ‘Uhhhh!” I said, rolling my eyes at him “I know you and Lou are best mates, but please don’t tell him Harry.” And with that, I left.

I Don't Have The Answer.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ