Season 2: Chapter 16

Start from the beginning

“You summoned all of us.” Fusenmei’s light blue eyes calmly spoke matter-of-factly. “It’s been quite a long while since you’ve needed all four of us together.”

“Isn’t it obvious why she would need all of us?”

Jinsoku’s haunting silver eyes gave a small roll before they grew sharp in concern. “Has something finally happened?” Despite having been on stand-by for so long back in his home of the Valley of Wolves, he and those that hadn’t been summoned by their contractor knew very well the issues and current situation that Hisayo and Akio had been facing. Their adoptive village would soon need the aid of every wolf and raven that their humans’ had in their arsenal.

“Be at ease.” Hisayo calmed the small pack. “Nothing else has happened since after the second exam of the Chunin exams…yet…but I do need you four to begin staying around the village now.”

“Please tell me that doesn’t include that barbaric group of yours as well.” Fusenmei’s lip had lifted slightly in disdain, showing off some of her sharp teeth. None of Hisayo’s wolves liked those Shadow Mergers.

“Ah, that’s right.” Myukyu cut in. “I don’t believe you were informed of that incident. Akumu and the others are no longer under Hisayo’s command.”

“Heh, not that they ever truly were.” Jinsoku sneered, before he gave an accepting nod. “You only need those from the Valley of Wolves. Heh, not that bunch and not Zenko either, in my opinion. He’s far too crazy with how he fights—so much damage he creates, and over the smallest of battles too. They’re all such monsters.” He soon flinched at his description. He flattened his ears back apologetically as he cleared his throat. “Ah, forgive my poor choice of words Hisayo-sama. I got a little too carried away.”

Hisayo shook her head. “Don’t worry about it, Jinsoku. Now,” She moved to the matter at hand. “Myukyu, you know Naruto’s scent the best.”

“Yes, Hisayo-san.”

“Take Shun with you and keep an eye on him for me for a while. There will be a man with white hair accompanying him. Don’t worry, he is training Naruto at the moment, but be wary.”

Myukyu’s ears twitched back as a drop of sweat became present. “Ah, you aren’t talking about that man, are you?”

Hisayo let out an irritated sigh, but nodded. “Yes, that one. You shouldn’t underestimate him, however. Jiraiya is sharper than I had given him earlier credit for.”

“I see.” Myukyu chuckled. “So we follow after from the shadows?”

“It doesn’t matter. Jiraiya will know you are there regardless—and he’ll know who exactly you are if he really is as skilled as he’s continued to show. But…try not to distract Naruto too much if you decide to openly follow. He must concentrate; his final exam is little less than a month away now.”


“And us?” Fusenmei


Hisayo turned to a new direction. “You two come with me for a short while. Myukyu, Shun; I’ll find you later.”

The two parties split. Myukyu and Shun disappeared in a quick flash after Naruto. Hisayo began her search first at Kakashi’s apartment. She picked up and followed the stronger of his scents, leading her up and on top of the Hokage Mountain. She paused and turned, looking down over the village, letting out a small sigh.

“Hisayo-sama.” Jinsoku politely gained the woman’s attention, understanding her feelings. Having closely worked with Hisayo the most out of the four, Myukyu always relayed her actions and feelings to him, Fusenmei, and Shun. “I know we haven’t been around like the others, but know that we will protect this village too.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2014 ⏰

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