Trouble In His Laughter

Start from the beginning

His teenage heart melted. She was just perfect.

"Justin!" a middle aged, nearly bald, almost white-blonde man called, "How have you been? Uh- you brought a little boy? And Ariana Grande?"

Ariana blushed. She didn't know people still knew who she was. She thought everything about her had just disappeared.

"Hah," Justin shrugged, "it's a long story. But uh, this little guy here," he gestured to the sleeping boy in his arms, "is her son. We'd just like him to get a check up. His name's Julian."

"Okay," Dr. Jenson smiled, "why don't we lay Julian on the couch first?"

As Justin was doing so, Dr. Jenson saw his son, Darren leaning against the doorway. The old man sighed, "What do you want Darren? I'm not going to pay for more hair dye or another one of your motorcycles, you have four already and that's enough-"

"I'm just watching," Darren said.

Dr. Jenson was surprised. Darren wasn't usually intrigued by his work. But he was by no means complaining. This was good. Darren would need to get to a good college, and what better way to prepare than watching old pops do some work?

But Darren wasn't paying attention to his dad, his eyes were all on Ariana.

"So, uh," Darren stuttered and Ariana turned around, facing him. He mumbled, "Uh- so Julian's your son, huh?"

Ariana smiled and nodded.

"Are you married? You're kind of young," Darren asked, tugging at his beanie, letting some of his dark hair cover his constrastingly sharp blue eyes.

Ariana shook her head and giggled, "Well, you're younger, sweetheart."

Darren blushed, "I'm pretty rich though, I could help take care of a child." Hint, hint.

She smiled, seemingly not getting it at all, "That's great, but you should still be careful. I'm sure your girlfriend is pressuring you to do 'it' all the time- you're actually really cute, Darren. You don't need hair dye or motorcycles."

Ariana felt that she was just teasing and kidding with a teenage kid- he couldn't have been older than 17, but Darren didn't feel this way. He felt he and Ariana were really hitting it off. And so did Justin. But he was not happy about it at all.

Justin cleared his throat, "Ariana."

She turned around and grinned, "Yes, Justin?"

He immediately wrapped an arm around her possessively and kissed her cheek. She laughed, "Okay, Justin! What was that for?"

Dr. Jenson and Darren were speechless. The doctor gasped, "Uh, wow, Justin. You've settled down then?"

Justin nodded, "Yeah, I love Ariana."

Darren bit his lip and his lip ring moved. He tightened his jaw and went to the kitchen to drink some tea or something to calm down.

Dr. Jenson just smiled, "Ah, don't mind Darren. He's got his teenage hormones."

"Yeah, I know," Justin grinned, hugging Ariana tighter.

"Okay, then, Justin," Ariana smiled, "I can wake up Julian now."

"There's no need yet," Dr. Jenson said, pulling out a big briefcase-looking laptop, "Could you list any big medical issues Julian's had in the past, Ms. Grande?"

Ariana frowned, "Um, well, Julian was born with a heart disease. He was born in the Irvine Medical Center."

Jenson looked through his computer and "aha"ed. He nodded, "Yep, right here. Julian Grande. I got all his files from Irvine's Center, yeah."

Justin and Ariana sat down on the couch next to Julian's. Dr. Jenson inspected the screen carefully and murmured, "Well, this boy here is a bit of a survivor isn't he?"

Ariana nodded, "Yes." She ran her fingers through Julian's soft hair. Justin kissed the top of her head.

Dr. Jenson smiled, "Well, I am just going to do a regular check up first but then we'll have to go to my CAT scan room.

Ariana frowned and rubbed Julian's head, "What's that?"

Dr. Jenson scratched his head, "Well, I don't know how to say this- I don't know if Julian's doctors told you this, but his type of disease can be recurring. And well, the 5th year cycle can be the most dangerous. I see he's had multiple surgeries done when he was a child... but it would've needed to be done again in a few years and Julian's pretty over due. He'd start getting his uh- asthma attacks more often. Like when he's just doing normal tasks, just laughing as an example. His heart could be in trouble again. And... it's possibly fatal."


Picture of Darren on the side (Munro Chambers as suggested by @bleuu42)

Dramatic much? :D

So as a reminder, this is story is set in 2019! So we'd all be like 19 or 18 or 17, mah precious readers. SO if Darren really existed, he would be aroind our ages now, just to put that into perspective :)

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