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April 2016,

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April 2016,

Most bad phase of lakshya.
Nearly it had been a couple of weeks for not in touch with each other they both didnt had a phone call or text. Literally he was her drug. she wasn't in the Position to accept the truth that he was no more in her life.

Due to over longing for his text on april 15 th by around 7pm she sent a text to know in what position was he in. She thought he might had also missed her text. So she was ready to get hurt from him. After an hour later he replied asking who was that. His reply made her to think was he literally hating her. To convenience him she made the chat to be funny enough. He literally paid a single word answer for her text and nothing more. She tried to make a best out of the worst situation.

But there wasn't a response at all. She thought of chatting the next day and went bed. On April 17 th, she was preparing for her university practical exam. But she wasnt able to concentrate. So went online and texted him. She found him online but there were no reply for her text. She found so fishy. It was getting more and more worse. His replay was in rude way and even he didnt had an interest to reply to her text.

It was time for her exam she went offline saying that she would chat after her exam.

The most hated day and hated moment of her life. She was going to experience a different situation for a first time. his true nature was to be reveled. His thought about her was been said.

Her daily walk time extended from one hours to two hours. During those time she played only the last one hour call for more fire in her. She played it twice a day. her anger was turned into more fire in her walk. Literally she will be walking but at some point of time she would run fast by hearing his talk. It starts with a walk and ends up in harsh running. She tried soo hard on her.

The time came. Around 7pm after her walk she texted him. He replied in a manner like why was she annoying him all the time. The chat went more and more worse. He replied in very rude manner. There wasnt a proper accent in his text. He made her to hate him most. After a while she found that the text were been replied in a different slang. She found that it wasnt him and said she would like to chat only with aashish and not to anyone. That guy replied that he was busy talking with his girlfriend and so he handed over his phone to reply to those text. Those act literally made her to cry. She phone screen was fully covered with her tears. She pleased him to hand the phone to aashish. Suddenly a text popped up. She opened the chat and saw.

It said "hi im his gf and please leave us alone. Aashish has promised me that he won't talk with any girl other than me. You will find another guy better than him. He is no more in your life. Please don't waste our time. I dont ever want you to text him. Its would be nice and better if you find a different way apart from him. He is mine and i dont want what to give a f*** to you. Please do mind your job.bye."

After reading through her text, It made her to shake her soul. She hated the way she expressed her thought. Even though she tried to be silent. After repeat reading of her text after 10 minutes she replied. Her mind said,

It hurts to see the one you really love loves someone else. But it hurts even harder when you find out that you were just their bridge for time pass.

She started typing. She cane to an assumption that it was her last text. She typed everything she felt.

"Hi..its nice to hear that you got commited..congo.. you guys will sure be a best pair. I know that you might look soo good and have a best character. You are the luckiest person. He might give his life for you and im damn sure about that. Please dont leave him for any reason. Im so Happy that you are soo possessive about him. But i dont know why are you asking me not to talk to him. Ok i assure you that this is my last text from my side. Aashish... This is my   last time calling you like this.. i wish this you guys remain happy for life time. Keep smiling kulfi .. you are my first and last love in my life. Thanks for the wonderful memories which you gave me.. i will lead with your sweet memories...stay blessed...goodbye...."

The wrong person won’t think you’re WORTH their love, loyalty or respect. So, they’ll offer you something less. DON’T ACCEPT IT. Know your worth and move on.

After her last chat she deleted his contact and erased all his memory and tried to move on.

At the end of the month due to more fire in her she reduced about 6 kgs. She was 58 kgs at the end of April. The term love made her to move this crazy. She tried to show how worth-able is she. She never ever heard someone saying her presence was so annoying to them. She was over obsessed by those words. Those words hurted more than his rejection.

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