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February 2016,

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February 2016,

Gradually,the gap between them became pretty close. But at the same time she didnt  see him as a Friend. She was relief that she proposed him and was also happy that a huge burden was been removed from her heart. Her love for him didnt change from the day one. She wanted it to be continued till her life. But she wasn't pretty sure, whether it will extend or not. But she followed her heart and did whatever she liked and tried to expose her love several time without doubt. But those wasnt a direct way. All she mean was in different and creepy way. With no doubt she awaited for what kind he might react. But all went flop as always.

The days were slowly passing on. Talk about swetha arised from him. He started to talk about her to lakshya. But the topic about her wasn't liked by lakshya. But she had no other go to continue and encourage for his love. Even though that was a cheap act she found it in a different way. She thought he was ready to relay his life for his love. He was ready to meet everything in his life to secure her. His love for her was so pure. Lakshya thought swetha was so blessed to secure such kind of love and affection from him. At the same time, Lakshya didnt want to snatch the place of swetha from his heart. She started seeing the other side of aashish. His love towards swetha, made lakshya to love him more. She was ready to sacrifice her love for the sake of his smile with his loved one.

At the same time she collected the cute memory. She remained all the words and action which was uttered and done by him. She lived in her world which was full about him. She had never thought of replacing him from her world by any other person. She also decided that if she didnt deserve the love from him, she thought of living with her memory. She found it more beautiful in her own world.

During the exam time of third semester, the bell was about to rang within ten minutes for the conductance of examination. Lakshya was glancing at her notes for the final time and was rushing to her class. She found a boy walking toward her with a smile. She was damn struck. She felt of being in an imaginary world. Yeah the boy was aashish. Her heart started to beat so fast for the every step he was stepping forward. Aashish came so close to her and said all the best with was heard so low in her ears. Her heart was pumping so fast and was rushing at the high speed. With the same feel she went in to examination hall. All her Friends were seeking for her presence. Finally they went to the hall. But during those hours she wasnt able to concentrate on her paper and kept on dreaming and filled some pages for the name shake.

At the end of feb, aashish asked her about her love that did she move on from him. Her reaction was what the hell is he asking. She reacted in a weird way. He added that whether was she broadcasting her love. His question made her move so crazy. She didnt know how to react. As always her temper raised. He said that swetha came to know about her love and because of that he was forced to ask such question. Lakshya was blank out. She thought that subha might have shared about her love to swetha. She pinged her at the same time and asked that what was. Happening around her. Subha explained everything to lakshya and accepted that while they were chatting a sudden topic about aashish raised up so she shared everything about her love to swetha.

Lakshya was totally screwed up. After chatting with her, she found that she had made a big mistake to sharing her feel to subha. Mean time AASHISH texted lakshya not to broadcast anything to anyone. Those words really went deeper in her heart than a sword. She sent a big para typing her apologize and wishing her to accept his proposal. But he said he wont forward it to her and found so silly of her act. He tried calling her, but she didnt pick.

After a while, lakshya called him back And apologized for every single act. He said he wasnt that serious at all. He was just playing around her. She took so serious and tried to control her tears which was about to roll on her cheeks. Their call extended till one hour. That was the first time for her to talk for about one hour. At the same time she was recording everything as her memory.

The best love is the kind that awakens our soul,
Makes us reach for more,
Which bring fires to our hearts,
And also peace to our minds,
And that's what everyone is hoping to give their loved one forever.

Thus the love for him kept on increasing with no stop and his love for swetha was all of the same way. Even though it was a difficult time for her she lived with her Memories more happily in her world than living in reality.

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