Chapter 17 I'm Sorry

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"I love it. It's very pretty and quiet. Do you mind if I use this as my happy place when I'm here. I mean, if you show up and wanna be alone anytime, I'll leave," I said. He laughed.

"Why would I make you leave? We are twins, remember. I wanna share things with my twin. I wouldn't want anyone else to use it," he smiled. I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"Well, it's getting pretty late. I think we should go before Kyle starts to freak," I said laughing. We started walking. When we got back, we got in my car and I drove him home.

"Thanks for spending the night with me. It meant a lot to me," he smiled.

"It meant a lot to me too. Trust me. I thought every Tonelli hated me. I found one that doesn't," I smirked.

"Yeah and never forget it. You can come visit anytime. Or text. Hey, you know what we need to do? Once a month we need to find a meeting spot on a specific day so we can catch up. Maybe soon, everything won't be so bad between you and them. But for now, once a month. Atleast. Please," he begged.

"OKay. Once a month and I doubt me and them are ever going to get along. I have my reasons. But, totally, once a month," I smiled. He nodded.

"Good night sis," he said laughing.

"Good night brother," I said and he walked inside. I drove back. When I got there. Kyle ran up to me.

"Oh my gosh, where have you been? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did something happen? Why didn't you answer your phone? I was so worried," Kyle said hugging me.

"Oh, Calm down. I took Ricci home and my phone's dead. I'm fine Ky. I'm sorry," I said hugging him back and I was laughing.

"You're okay, I'm okay," he said smiling. "You really freaked me out though," he said.

"I told Ricci you would," I smirked.

"Yeah yeah. Very funny. Tired?" He asked.

"Kinda," I yawned. He tickled me.

"Well then, let's go get ready for bed," he said. I nodded.

"Good night you guys. See you in the morning," I said hugging all of them.

"Good night," they all said. I smiled walking to mine and Kyle's room. I put went in the bathroom and got ready for bed. When I came out, Kyle was already asleep. I climbed in bed, kissed him on the cheek, and shut off the light. I closed my eyes and felt Kyle pull me closer.

*Next Morning*

"Good morning Allie," Kyle said smiling. He had a plate filled with bacon, eggs, and pancakes. I looked at the clock and it was only eight in the morning.

"Oh, what's this? Wait, what do you want?" I smirked. "No one is ever this nice," I said.

"Well, I am," he said smiling and handing me the plate.

"Awe, thanks Ky," I said hugging him. "One question, why did you wake me up this early?" I asked. He knows I like my sleep.

"Uh, because. So we could get a good start on the day," he grinned. Something was up.

"You know I like sleep though," I pouted. He laughed.

"I know I know. You'll be fine," he said. "So, you gonna get ready?" he asked.

"For what? What's going on?" I asked.

"Just get ready. Do you have to know every little thing? Your brothers send me to do the impossible," he said getting up and going back to the kitchen. I laughed and started to eat my breakfast. After I got done, I started getting ready and went to the kitchen. Kyle, Luca, and Daimon were standing there. I was so confused.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Well, we thought you deserved a day for putting up with the Tonelli's this week. So, you get to pick what we do today. Nothing is too expensive," Luca said.

"Or cheap," Kyle said laughing and hugging me.

"We want to show you that we love you. Plus, you haven't had a day for a while," Daimon said smiling. I smiled.

"I already know that you guys love me. You don't need to do something like this to show me that. The fact that you took time off your busy schedules to come here and then come with me to court to fight the custody case. Also, you guys were always there for me when I needed you. I know for a fact that you will continue to always be there for me," I said.

"I know but we want to," Luca said. Then Luca got a phone call. I gave him a blank stare. He answered it. Then hung up.

"I know you guys are busy. So go do your work. We'll do this another time. Right now. I just want to go shopping with Bella, Peyton, Jade and Skyler," I said. I heard footsteps.

"I heard shopping," Bell said.

"I did. Let's go," I smiled. The girls cheered. The guys groaned.

"Oh hush. You guys can go have a guys day or something," I said.

"Be back at 7. We need to leave for L.A at 8," Taylor said. I nodded.

"You guys are leaving early," Gran said walking in.

"Yeah. We are. Sorry but I don't think Allie can put up with the Tonelli's any longer. She's bound to break if she keeps going like this," Daimon.

"And I'd rather not see my baby sister break down like last time. I don't ever want to see her in that state ever again," Luca said. I hugged Luca, Daimon and Taylor. I pinched Taylor's cheek.

"You know. You may be Daimon's best friend but you're always around. You're like another brother to me," I smiled. He smiled and hugged me.

"LET'S GO SHOPPING," Bella cheered. We walked to my car. Kyle waved. He looked worried. I smiled at him. We got in the car. I drove us to the mall.

Is it weird that I'm dating my best friend?

Is he not the one?

I pulled into a parking lot and parked the car. We got out of the car. The girls headed into the mall.

"We'll be at Aero," Bella said. I nodded. I got out and closed the door. I leaned against the door and sighed.

My phone rang. It's Ky

"Where are you?" He asked.

"At the mall. Why? What's wrong? You sound nervous," I said.

"I want to do this in person but..." He started.

"But what? Spit it out already" I said.

"I'm Sorry. I am," He said.

"Ky Spit it out," I said.

"I'm breaking up with you," He said.Okay. 


I really hope you liked it! Lauren and I worked hard writing it!

You know the drill.





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