Chapter 20

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Mark was in the circle again, and both Sarah and Selene were assisting me this time. His body hovered between us, as power swirled around his body. When the curse struck out, I could feel it coming. Wrapping my right hand in the power of Queen Mab, I struck, grabbing it as Inanna had done. Suddenly, what I had in my hand was a live creature from the deepest ocean. It writhed and pulled with more strength than I had foolishly imagined. Inanna looked so calm with the creature in her grasp. But then, that was Inanna, this was me, and I hadn't been working out like I should have the last few weeks.

Calling on all my power, my wand blazed into a blade of light, a scalpel of of energy. I hacked down on what might be the spirit's neck, but I knew there was no real neck to a spirit, and sliced through its body.

After this surgical decapitation, the spirit slithered back into Mark, while I still retained the head of the creature. Selene and Sarah both helped me with their powers to put the head into the containment circle. Putting it there, and then powering the circle with my words, the containment snapped shut and the spirit head swam around the edges like a fish head inside an aquarium.

What ever the spirit was, it was primal and powerful. Working quickly, Selene drew the our third circle and I began to spin the creature inside its tank. I spun it as fast as I could with the power of my wand. My cats were assisting me now, watching the head of the creature turn into a blur.

Minx bounded over and sat down beside them, lifting a paw every once in a while, as if to swat at the thing, but lowering the paw before she did.

The energy of the spirit head was orange, but slowly, under the constant spin, another color, a deep red began to appear. The orange became brighter as this happened. The spirit and the power of the Hexe were separating. I smiled and spun it faster.

Minion let me know that the separation was complete nearly half-an-hour later. I let the powers subside and after a few minutes I could see two separate entities inside the containment circle. The fish head was bright orange now, nearly a hazard orange to my witch's sight. Moving beside it was an ancient rune of scarlet.

Selene was just finishing the third of our circles. She nodded to me that she was ready, and with the three of us again we moved the scarlet rune from the one circle to the next. It fought us as soon as it was clear of the first circle and it was strong, lashing out with whips and shackles. But we evaded the attacks and got the thing into the third circle. Selene said her words of power and the Hexe's energy was trapped, but contained.

"How do you feel Mark?" I asked him as he hovered inside his own circle of power.

"Pretty much like someone cut the head off a weird monster that was inside of me," he said. "Oh, by the way, you are bleeding."

I touched my cheek where he was looking and came back with a good amount of blood. "Sorry about that." I told him, thinking of his vampire hunger.

"No, no worries, whatever you did seemed to put it to sleep. The blood isn't bothering me at all."

"It will grow back," I told him. "Don't be alarmed when it does."

He shrugged, "I feel better right now than I have in months. Gives me hope. Could you just chop the thing down deep and pull that much out?"

I thought about it, "We could, but again, it would eventually grow back."

"With my luck it would grow back while I was riding a wave at the beach, in the middle of the day," he smiled.

"You surf?" I asked, while checking him over.


"I love the beach," I told him.

"After all of this maybe we could all go, have a bar-b-cue out there. Ride some waves."

"I don't surf," I smiled.

"Hell, a chance to see you and Selene in bikinis together? I'm down."

"What about Inanna?" I asked him.

"Well, to be honest, she kind of scares me."

I laughed, "Well you sound better, and I think tonight has been successful. Let's get you out of there."

I was just about to release him when he vamped-out.

He lashed out at me with his right hand, his face a white mask, nearly all skull. His fangs ripped open his bottom lip as they sprang to full length. His hand slashed with claws across my upper arm, as he attempted to snatch me.

"Shit!" Sarah screamed.

"Oh my gawd, Toni!" Selene wailed.

My power rose in me instinctively, and I snatched his wrist as he made another attempt at me. He was stronger than he looked by far, but I found his pulse, and stole it from him, like I did Eric's of the black cabal. Strengthened by my power, my hand clasped onto him like a vice, and in seconds, with him pulling and writhing inside the circle, he began to soften and fall to sleep. Moments later he was in a coma.

"What happened?" Sarah asked.

"I was wrong, that's what happened," I told her. "I thought the spirit would just grow back, but instead it had to feed, now, more than ever."

"Can't Selene feed him?" Sarah asked.

"No, not like that. He'll kill her," I snapped. "You saw him. He has no control now."

"So what do —?"

"We cure him, completely. We have to, and we have to do it tonight," I told her. "We have several hours before daybreak. Let's get moving."

"I don't want to lose him too," Sarah wept.

"Then help me," I told her and brought her into a hug.

She clung to me, "Gawd, I'm so sorry I brought this to you, but you were all I could think of."

"It's alright, I'm glad you came. I want to help you," I told her. "Come on, we have a lot to do before dawn."

We worked for hours, each of us taking a blue vile and I dished out a cat size dose to Ivy and Minion. Minx was still running on kitten energy, she didn't need one. So while Minx lept into the air, spinning, in an attempt to catch her tail, we dove into books and circles, hoping to find a way to wrap the whole spirit inside of Mark, and pull the rest out of him.

Violent in Red -- [GirlXGirl, Lesbian]Where stories live. Discover now