Chapter 10

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Bill pulled up to my house and parked in my driveway. I unbuckled my seatbelt and then leaned over and kissed him, "Thank you."

"For the ride?"

"That too," I smiled, and got out of his car.

He gave me a smile as he pulled out of the drive and I watched him, make a left turn, and disappear.

My venus was still as tender and painful as it was this morning. The rest of my body seemed to have healed to the point of functional, if remaining a little achy. My sex however was completely off limits. Even using the restroom was excruciating. I was in tears after every visit.

The night had already fallen, and I looked up into the stars searching for questions. Answers were easy. You could get answers from anyone, but finding the right questions to ask, well, those were the golden moments of life.

I wished I knew the right questions to ask about the situation with Selene's child. Both Selene and Inanna appeared to be unwilling to even discuss the matter any further. I felt like I was betraying our child by giving up on her so easy. Well, alright, it wasn't exactly easy, but still — without even attempting to see it through? I shook my head, and brushed a tear from my eye. It hurt just to give up on her. The moment I heard that Selene wanted a child, it felt like that child was already a reality. As if she were conceived already by thought alone, like Athena. In fact that would be a good name for her, Athena.

I smiled at that thought, and she seemed real again.

Of the three of us, Selene was the mother, the nurturing one. She was also the seductress, the real woman. I thought about how she was with me that morning. She was probably hurt about this more than I was, and maybe I shouldn't try to bring Athena up any more for a while.

Heal, think, and then try to work something out.

I nodded to this and started toward the house when I heard a high-pitched whine from my protection wards that I didn't recognize until it was almost too late.

Diving to the ground I curled into a ball, covering my head with my arms, just before the ward went off, blowing out a powerful bolt of energy and force which blew past me with the detonation of a canon shot.

As soon as the blast was over, another ward, this one at the corner of the house sent a bolt of electrical energy over me, cutting open the night with a crackling white light, something close to a bolt of lightning. I closed my eyes and covered them with my arms before the ward went off, attempting to save my sight. The white hot light passed through my arms and into my closed eyes with such heat and energy, I still lost my night vision.

Holy shit I make good wards! I thought to myself, and only then did it occur to me that there was a reason my wards were blasting off.

Instinctively I rolled to my left several feet, just in time to dodge a blast of something that sounded like a gun shot from across the street. Whatever it was, there was now a small pot hole blasted into my driveway where I was laying before I rolled. I rolled back to where I was, and another blast hit the ground near me, covering me with chips of cement and dirt.

Then the front door of my house flew open and Inanna came flying out of the house toward the direction the gun-like blasts were coming from. She was fast, faster than I remembered.

A third blast cracked through the night, but the explosion was much closer to the source this time. Whoever it was, was now shooting at Inanna.

Then Selene was beside me, and with surprising strength, she pulled me off the ground and half led, half dragged me toward the house.

"Inanna!" I screamed, "I'm alright!"

The only answer I got back was the sound of a furious battle out in the blackness somewhere. Then green light blasted and I felt her demon form come to life.

"Oh fuck!"

And then Selene wasn't dragging me to the house any longer, and someone else was near me. My wards came to life across the top of the house, and I knew I was in serious trouble — just before something hit me in the back of the head and everything went black.

I awoke on a smooth concrete floor, my arms were tied behind my back. I was naked. The cold in my side was bone deep, so I knew I had been there for some time. The light was dim, but enough to see by.

I recognized the place after a bit. I was in a warehouse in Linda Vista, about eight miles from my home. It was the same warehouse that Inanna and I found the Black Death demon trapped inside a circle of power. I recalled Inanna wanting to burn the place, and it crossed my mind as I lay there, that she was right.

Six people were in the room with me. They were gathered together near where the Black Death demon had been trapped. When two of them moved away from the group, the way they moved, shivers coiled up my spine like jagged snakes. The sensuous flowing of their bodies wasn't natural. Then the sanitized dirt smell in the air, a scent I noticed when I woke up, suddenly made sense.


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