Chapter 17

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They came in dressed as crows and moving like serpents. They sat down, hope in there eyes as they looked to me, and then Selene and then to Inanna.

Sarah explained to her vampires what had occurred and what the rest of the night wound bring. Hope was a precarious thing in their eyes by the time she was through. "That sounds vicious." One of them said, a sorcerer who was perhaps twenty-five. He had long brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. He was introduced as Mark, and hope was lost in his eyes completely.

Selene went to him, "You are tired and need to feed." She knelt before him and pulled back her honey hair, leaning forward to offer her neck. Then she raised her wrists to the two females sitting on each side of him, "You too," she told them.

Each of them looked to Inanna and then to me. We both gave them nods, Inanna telling them, "Stop when she asked.

Gratefully they descended on my beautiful fay-ling wife and then pierced her skin with their fangs. The sound of ecstasy from Selene stirred me, and the vampires in the room. Sarah and the other watched with wide eyes as my Selene writhed beneath the three of them as they fed.

The last vampire, hunger in her eyes, spreading out to her whole body, looked to me, but Inanna told her, "No, you get me."

The woman rose, as if hypnotized and went to Inanna, her feet dragging as if fighting fear. "It's alright." Inanna coaxed her, "I'm willing."

She came into the arms of my love, and Inanna embraced her, bending to offer her neck to the last female.

When she pierced Inanna's neck her body went stiff, and then she relaxed, melting into Inanna's embrace. Inanna let out a smooth groan of pleasure, and then she climaxed there against the wall. I shuddered with needs of my own watching them all as they fed and climaxed around me. Even Mark's hips suddenly spasmed and he climaxed while holding Selene.

They all drew back without being asked, wiping their lips with delicate motions of shaking fingers.

"Oh my gawd," said the one in Inanna's arms, "Please let it be you to kill me if I have to stay like this."

"You won't." Inanna told her, and then let her go back to her chair. She nearly sashayed back to her chair, giving Inanna a look filled with desire and lust over her shoulder as she did.

I went to Selene who was whimpering and glowing, but she stood on her own strength and gave them each a smile. Then she went to the kitchen to eat and drink orange juice as she had done after feeding Sarah.

After they were all fed, they looked and moved nearly human. Each of them helped to prepare the extra bedroom for the coming daylight hours; tacking up my heavy quilts to cover the windows and block out the sun. Sarah arranged their sleeping positions while I went to bed. I still had a shift to do in the morning.

My dreams were fitful. While I told each of them that there was a cure, I was at a loss for knowing the shape of that cure. Selene crawled into bed with me just before sleep took me and her scent and the warmth of her body was comforting even inside those fitful dreams. Inanna remained at her post by the door while all of us slept, and I found that comforting as well.

Sunlight woke me, and then my alarm. I turned it off and then returned to me position, holding Selene and kissing her warm pink skin. I touched the bites on her neck with kisses and then on her wrists. All of them were healed over, but the scars remained as blemishes on her alabaster skin. Her eyes fluttered open and she gave me a smile, "The scars will fade," she assured me, putting a finger on my lip and biting hers a little. "They were all gentle."

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