Chapter 13

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Once at home I was indeed blubbered on, but Selene and the cats. Even Minx came over to me, while Selene had to stir dinner together, and gave me some cuddles.

Selene made and amazing spaghetti sauce, with Italian sausages, and pasta. I was convinced that there was magic involved in the preparation. Inanna ate with us and then said that she was spending the night outside looking for vampires. I reminded her that the house still had a few wards left. Then she reminded me that my wards nearly killed me tonight and blew up my car a few days ago. "I've honestly had enough of your wards," she smiled.

Once she was gone hunting, Selene was in my lap, kissing me and then getting me more wine and fawning and gushing again about how much she loved me. Basically, just to get her to stop, I told her to get naked and into my bed. She squealed with delight and ran into the bedroom.

I finished my beer and pulled out the pile of notes the vampires were making from the gym bag, and then spread them out on the floor of the living room so that Ivy and Minion could read through them while I was occupied with Selene.

I was crossing the threshold of my bedroom when I realized that my venus was no longer in pain. Selene was naked and posed in the middle of the bed, her long blond hair perfect and shining. Her eyes bright and beautiful, hauntingly full of desire for me. The sight of her perfect submissive pose and her glowing willingness did things to my venus which then assured me I was fully healed in that area. When I got to the bed, she met me at the edge and began to take my clothing off, while looking deep into my eyes with the invitation to do anything I wanted with her.

While she was undoing my blue jeans, I took a hold of her perfect pink nipples and pulled them, while squeezing them rather hard. She gasped and looked up at me with wonder in her eyes. While she has always invited me to be rough with her, I've never really accepted the invitation before. But seeing her has she was, the invitation was more than appealing to me tonight. With my right hand I took a handful of her silk hair and pulled her neck back and bit her neck. She moaned with delicious desire.

Once I was naked again, I brought her off the bed and onto her knees in front of me, and forced her lips to my venus. She writhed with pleasure as she lifted to service me as her mistress. Her whole body showed her pleasure as she licked a sucked a mewed between my thighs.

Then something happened which I had not planned on, nor was Selene prepared for — power poured out of my venus and into Selene's mouth. Her eyes flew open with utter shock and then she moaned loudly, shuddered uncontrollably and collapsed at my feet in convulsions of sublime delight. The power coming out of me sent me over the edge as well, and I gasped, then screamed as the pleasure of it overwhelmed me. Only moments after Selene was trembling at my feet, did I hit my knees beside her, starring in wonder and amazement at my ceiling, "What the fuck was that?" I gasped.

Selene moaned, but didn't answer.

I brushed her hair and caressed her shoulders. She looked at me with pure bliss, but still didn't talk to me for several more minutes.

After several minutes she curled around me, putting her head on my thighs mewing her affections and love, "I didn't know you could do that," she managed.

"Neither did I," I whispered. "It just happened. I didn't even get to choose. You aren't hurt are you?"

She shook her head, "No, it was amazing."

Only once before had I experienced anything like this, and that was when Queen Mab did it to me. She had me on my knees servicing her, when suddenly her power filled my mouth from her venus, and she gave her permission to me to climax — which I did. I climaxed so hard I thought I was going to die during the throes.

As I knelt there, a few other things crossed my mind. One was the fact that I enjoyed watching Inanna take off Juan the vampire's head. I didn't just feel justified, I felt good about it; enjoyment. I also enjoyed putting one of the sorcerers into a coma today. And then there was that strange fire in my blood which burned Juan so badly.

"Fucking Mab." I breathed.


"I'm not sure, but I think I absorbed Mab's power inside me." I whispered.

I recalled that when I could no longer suppress my climax using brute force of will with her, I pulled it in, and concentrated on absorbing it. I absorbed it into the rest of my body, spreading out the urge to climax to every limb, finger and toe. Could I have also absorbed the strange power she was using on me to make me need to climax? Thinking back, it was right after I burned Juan with my blood, that I felt better in the nether areas of my body. In fact, my venus felt perfectly normal after that moment. I didn't notice because I was so furious that he wanted to turn me into a thrall — a vampire slave.

"I must have absorbed her power." I murmured.


"Queen Mab." I answered, and this cleared Selene's eyes right away.

"You can't be serious," she said, coming out of her curled bliss and into a kneeling position in front of me.

I explained my thoughts to her and the way I had mentally changed during the day. How I was darker and much more apt to use my power for pain. I described the fire in my blood, and how I enjoyed looking down on his dead head at my feet. I didn't feel relief or avenged, I felt joy.

Selene listened carefully to all that I had to say, particularly to my account of putting the sorcerer into a coma, "That doesn't sound like you at all. You just left him like that?"

I nodded, feeling a sudden pang of guilt and shame about the action, "I've never used my healing powers to harm before."

She was deep in thought for some time, "I think you are right. I think you absorbed some of the power she put into you and now you are purging it. Certainly sounds like Mab's power."

"If that is the case, I need to get the rest of it out of me. Purge the rest of it some how." I told her, "I'm much darker than I was, and I don't like it. I barely lifted an eyebrow when Inanna wanted to burn down the warehouse."

"Served them right," Selene told me.

"Perhaps, but I don't do things like that."

"Mab does," Selene nodded. "That would have been the least she would have done."

"We need to figure out way of getting the rest of her power out of me."

Selene broke into a wry grin, "I could suck it out like a snakebite?" she giggled.

I laughed, "That doesn't sound too bad really, but I was thinking of something a little more sure, such as a circle of some type, so that we were positive we got it all."

She snuggled her head down on my thighs and kissed them, "But not right now, right?"

I combed my hand through her air, and sighed, "No, not right now."

Selene and I made love for two more hours without incident. I basked in the beauty of her afterward and then drifted off to sleep. Some time near dawn, Inanna came back in the house. She stripped her clothes and snuggled up to spoon me from the rear. I felt her love powering over me and then drifted back to sleep until my alarm went off calling me back to work.  

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