Chapter 18

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I'm in blue lingerie when Selene comes into the room. Her hands run up the sides of my thighs and cup my ass. She looks longingly at me, biting her lip, "Is this what he saw tonight?" she asks.

"Who? Bill?" I ask looking down at her, brushing a lock of hair from her face to behind her ear, "Bill hasn't seen me like this is a long time."

"But you want him too." She presses, kissing my cleavage."

I sigh, "I want him to father our child."

"I can smell him on you when you come home," she pouts.

"Just kissing right now. I don't know how to bring up a threesome, or rather a foursome with him yet. I'm not a seductress like you," I smile.

She rubs her hands on my thighs and then across my sides to my back. She unhooks my bra, and I shrug out of it for her. Selene kisses my breasts and then suckles my nipples, "You still want the child, after all that happened to you?"

"I love Athena already." I tell her honestly.

"Athena?" she asks.

"Well, she's just a vision, a memory, a desire right now. Mentally conceived between us," I tried to explain.

She looks up and her eyes are misty, "That's a good name." She nods her head and embraces me around my waist, "Why did you have to go and name her?" she asks me, and I can hear tears in her eyes.

I let her crying but I'm not sorry to have named Athena, or anything about her, so I just make soft sounds and pet Selene's hair.

Inanna came through the door and looked at Selene who was blubbering now. She glanced at me, "What's wrong with her?"

"She went and named her!" Selene answered from between my breasts.


"Athena!" Selene cried, "Toni named her Athena."

Inanna nodded, and then lifted an eyebrow at me, still not getting it, "Good name. Um, who is Athena?"

Selene pulled back from me and wailed, "The baby I'm not having!"

Inanna nodded, "Right." The she shook her head, "I'm still not getting this, so you aren't having the baby and Toni named it and now you are upset?"

"YES!" Selene said and stamped her foot, "Damn it you fucking dike, can't get anything?"

"I thought we talked about this already?" Inanna said, coming into the room and closing the door.

"We did." I said, "I brought it up again."

"You? Why? I mean, I'm about to leave and... we have things to do, don't we? Now is not the time for this, is it? Seriously, now? You brought this up now?"

I opened my mouth to defend myself, and then closed it, "You're right. Now wasn't a good time."

"You're right I'm right. We got shit to do and stuff. You know, vampires to hunt, Hexes to kill? Curses to break? Stuff."

"Right," I nodded and held Selene a little closer.

"Good, cause I'm ready to leave." Inanna told us.

"Now!" Selene wailed, "How can you go now! Can't you leave in the morning or something?"

"Where?" I asked, bringing Selene back into my breasts. I could feel her tears running down my belly.

"Other side of the Laguna mountains, and just north of there, I'm thinking. At least that's where I'll start."

"Out past Sunrise Highway?" I asked.

"Right, just past there, then north. Do you know that area?" She asked.

"I've done some rituals out there, yeah." I nodded, "I mean, I know enough to find an empty place out there. How are you getting there?"

"I rented a Range Rover. Have all my equipment and gear already packed."

"How can you leave when she named?!" Selene wailed into my breasts.

"I'll be coming back baby. Honestly. I'll come back and we'll get the Hexe together, just like we discussed." Inanna soothed Selene, and then silently mouthed "What the Fuck?" to me.

"Sorry." I said, to both of them.

Inanna shook her head and then came up and kissed me, "Probably a few days, no more. I'll call you and keep you updated on what's going on. A place stuffed with vampires shouldn't be that hard to find though. I need to go now though, I want to be up there and hunting at first light."

"Alright." I said and wiped a tear from my own eye, "Talk to you soon. Be careful."

"I will," she nodded and then ran a hand down Selene's back who snuggled harder into me, "Bye pixie."

But Selene didn't say anything.

Inanna shrugged and then left the room.

Selene quivered in my arms until she heard the front door open and then she ran from me and the room, catching up with Inanna on the front porch area.

After five minutes, or so, she came back into the room and threw herself on the bed while I was washing my face in the bathroom.

"Love sucks," she announced, while rubbing her hands over her womb area. She rolled and looked at me as I came out of the bathroom, "Why did you name her?"

I leaned against the wall and dried my face, "I don't know. It just happened. I didn't know it would hurt you Pixie."

She rolled returning to her back and rubbing her womb again, "That's the trouble, it doesn't hurt. It feels amazing."

We made love slowly that night, bringing each other to blossoming climaxes until there were gardens in our bed. We woke at noon to a hungry kitten who already missed her mother. Minx was able to climb onto the bed and was mewing between us. Selene was first out of bed, Minx in hand, to feed her. She fed the other cats as well and then the fresh scent of coffee came into the room. Dawning my robe I went out into the kitchen to find Selene busy with chopping fruit and cheese for breakfast. She was adding crackers to the plates when I arrived, "Here or in bed?" she asked as I came in.

"Here is good. We can always go back to bed."

She nodded, and poured coffee and juice, then set the array before me. She returned shortly with her own plate and juice. She ate, watching the cats, and looking out the window. She seemed empty, purged, and distant. She was going through motions and wishing time away.

"You going to be alright?"

"You think she is alright?" Selene countered as if she didn't hear my question.

"I can't see vampires in the daylight being much of a problem for her." I smiled weakly.

Selene nodded and glanced at me, giving me a weak smile in return, "I'm still worried. I've been up all night. I can't stop worrying about her."

"Well then you need to sleep if you are going to help me tonight. I have an idea to help Inanna with this Hexe."

"Yeah?" Selene asked, giving me her full attention.

I explained my idea to her, the one I had conceived the night before with identifying the Hexe magic inside the curse.

"Wow, you really think that is possible?"

I shrugged, "Can you think of a reason it is not?"

"That would solve a lot of problems if you could pull that off," she agreed and then agreed to get some rest.

I gave her a pink elixir and soon she was yawning and snuggling into me on our bed. I now had the house to myself for the first time since I didn't know when and the first thing I wanted was Inanna back home.

Violent in Red -- [GirlXGirl, Lesbian]Where stories live. Discover now