Chapter 19

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Sunday night I was working on a way to contain the curse, or a slicing of the curse. I envisioned the process happening something like: bring the curse to the surface, slice off part of it and contain it, then identify the powers of the curse, and wrap the curse inside my own power away from the patient, and then pull the curse completely from the patient. Saying all of that, was easy.

There was another step as well, and that was to separated the power of the Hexe, from the spirit of the curse. I was still working on trying to visualize that part. There were blood spinners which separated things from blood, and my mind was playing around with that particular visualization as I worked on the circle for the energy containment.

Energy and matter containment were old-hat for me. Bringing down the power of the moon, pulling in the bacterium of the Black Plague, and other such objectives were exactly the same idea, with different energies. The first energy I wanted to contain tonight was Queen Mab's. I knew I still had some of her power inside of me, but it was running wild and showing up as it pleased. Being able to contain that power, and use it for my desires could mean a great deal toward our success. I didn't care how powerful the Hexe was, she never went up against someone like Queen Mab. Just the surprise, for an instant, could be all Inanna required at the right time.

So the first circle as night fell, was for myself, being assisted by Selene and Sarah. Once we began the powers in the room were so great, as to be blinding, but finally, after nearly two hours, Queen Mab's power surfaced like a giant snowflake hovering above me.

Slowly, and very cautiously, we guided the power of Mab to the confinement circle, and released it inside. I closed the circle at once and the snowflake remained, hovering just above the floor, spinning counter clockwise.

"Holy crap, what is that?" Mark asked, bending down to look at it.

"Stage one," I told him. "Confirmation that we can do this."

"Yeah, but —"

"Seriously, the less you know about what that power is, the better off your life is going to be," I told him.

He looked at me, and then said, "Yeah, ok, its just so beautiful."

"So are vipers," I told him. "You ready to try getting some of that out of you now?"

"The curse? Shit yeah!" he smiled.

Taking my wand I went to Queen Mab's power and brought it back inside of me through the wand. It was now my power, part of me. I felt the sensation of cold winds and flurries of snow as I brought it back inside of my self. I also discovered the full extent of the power I absorbed. It was monstrous. So much greater than my own, it filled me again. But I could call it now, use it; it truly was my power.

"Are you alright?" Sarah asked me, "Because your eyes froze over there for a moment."

"Uh-huh." Selene echoed looking at me with wonder.

"Wicked!" Mark said, sitting back on the couch and staring at me.

I gave him a smile, "You have no idea," and my words sound very close to being words of power. They frosted across the room, and shimmered along the walls.

"Wow!" said Selene. "Maybe you shouldn't have done that."

"Just assimilating, absorbing." I told her, and my voice was closer to normal and I didn't breath out frost steam as I spoke this time.

"Yeah, but who has who?" she worried and then came over to me, hesitantly touching me. "You feel cold."

"I'm warming, its alright." I told her and my voice was normal now. "I don't think I could absorb much more at a go. But this much I'm good with."

Selene rubbed my arm and the warmth of her flooded into me, helping me absorb the rest of Mab's power. I'd never felt so powerful before, and it gave me a bit of perspective with the kind of power Mab had at her disposal. That was just a single snow flake inside the blizzard that was the Queen of Winter.  

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