Chapter 11

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The right side of my body ached from the cold of the concrete floor. So I had been there for more than thirty minutes, I guessed. I was in the warehouse which was being used by a cabal of dark sorcerers, and there were six vampires in the warehouse with me. The evening was not looking good.

My venus was on fire, and I'm sure it was the pain from that area which woke me. I still didn't understand why this area was so reluctant to heal. Queen Mab put her energy directly to my venus during my torment with her, so perhaps that was the reason. Perhaps I truly was burned inside by her touch. If that was the case, it could be more than a week before I healed, and there could be problems with scar tissue as well. Even if this was true, however, I should have received some healing from the elixirs I had administered to myself. Something.

My arms were tied behind me, but my legs were free. I was completely nude, and wondered why. I also wondered why I was alive. Vampires, in my experience, didn't play with their food. So, I reasoned that for the time being, I wasn't food to them.

Two of the vampires had moved away from the group of six and were moving toward me. I tried to summon power to warm my body, and limber up, and felt nothing but pain rising up from my venus.

Now I was scarred.

When I called power, I called it from what I visualized as my heart; my emotions. My words of power came from my heart. But my sexual, sensuous side was very closely related to my heart, and apparently, the damage to my insides was so great that calling up power was not going to be a simple task. In fact it was going to be excruciating to call up any sizable amount of witchery. Mab's warning of being ruined if I continued to desire a child from Selene returned to me. Perhaps I was already ruined.

The vampires who approached me were a male and a female. With a blur of speed, the male moved behind me and then was untying the bounds on my arms. When I looked to the female, she was sitting in a chair, seeming to have teleported to that position. The message was clear; I might be able to keep my eye on one of them, but not both. All six? Not even with magic.

Blood rushed back into my arms after I was unbound, and then the vampire moved in a blur of motion again, and was now standing behind the chair of the female. She was watching me with interest, but not hunger. I supposed that was a good sign. I sat up, and pulled the bonds from my hands and set the rope away from me. Then, with care for my insides, I stood.

"You are injured." The female noted.


"I am sorry for that, this was not my intention," and she gave the man behind her a very harsh look, which he reacted to with a low level of fear.

I decided to come clean with the issue, "You didn't injure me, it happened a couple days ago."

"Oh?" she asked.

"Yes," and that's as much as I wanted to give her.

"I'm relieved to hear this, thank you," she said, and sounded sincere. "My name is Sarah, and this is Juan."

I nodded, "The others?"

"Not important at the moment," she decided.

"Ok," I said, standing up now and looking around the warehouse. I didn't notice any major changes since the last time I was here. "Are you working with this cabal of sorcerers?"

She lifted an eyebrow, but then admitted, "For the time, yes. We have a common interest together which makes a temporary truce between us expedient."

"Then a truce between us seems very unlikely to me." I ventured.

Violent in Red -- [GirlXGirl, Lesbian]Where stories live. Discover now