Chapter 1

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Witch Witch Demon vol 2

Violent in Red

by Glenn Hefley

copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

This story deals with erotic, and violent scenes and lesbian relationships which may cause uneasy or uncomfortable feelings for some readers.

Chapter 1

Inanna sat for only a moment, sniffing the air, before she was a blur of motion, coming off her knees between Selene's thighs and scooping up Minx on her way to our bedroom. She tossed the kitten lightly onto the bed and said, "Stay," and for the life of me, Minx sat down without a hint of complaint or desire to follow her mother. Inanna came out of our room with her knives glowing with green fire, "Are you really sure we can't kill these fucks? Really?"

"You're kidding, it's them?" I gasped grabbing up my clothes, looking at them for only a moment and then tossing them down and reaching for my wand.

"I never forget the scent of someone whose stabbed me," she said, and then amended, "Actually he's the only one who has ever stabbed me, which makes me want his head even more."

"Can you tell where they are?" Selene gasped looking up at her with wide eyes.

"About a block away. The idiots are up wind from us, as if none of us had noses," she smirked, and then smiled, "So? What's the deal? Blood? Death? Blood and Death? what?"

My head was still reeling but I was firm on the death thing, "No death. I can't become black arts for any reason. None. You know that, right?"She nodded and sighed, "I do, but maybe you could stay inside this time and make some tea or something. They came here after us."

"They're should to be in jail," I snapped at no one in particular.

"Not in jail," Selene added, her voice rising to a playful note.

"Woe to the injustice of it all. How dare the black arts act indecently," Inanna coughed.

"No," I said.

"No what?" Selene asked, still on the floor looking up at us.

"No to all of the above. They can do very little to the outside of the house, and if they actually make it through the door then other wards will deal with them. At that point, something will present itself."

"Like a fast moving truck?" Inanna said hopefully.

"Like a fast moving truck," I agreed. "Selene, I could use a beer, could you —?"

She was up and to the kitchen as quick as Inanna got her knives. A true submissive, and one hell of a strong woman I decided.

"We are going to drink beers and just wait?" Inanna said with shock in her voice.

"After the vampire almost got me about a year ago, I warded this house. I was afraid he might have friends. So I spent a ton of money, and three weeks of moons placing wards. Dark arts or demonic evil will set them off if not disabled or paused."

"They're all active?"

"Yes. Let's have a beer and see what they can do. Then you can have your turn. Blood, but no death, please."

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