13) Baby-Mama Disses GF

Start from the beginning

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They all gave me a hug then pulled away & we all went on alot of rides then we went to the food court

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They all gave me a hug then pulled away & we all went on alot of rides then we went to the food court.

(At the food court)
We went to the food court & waited in line. As we all waited in line, I saw a familiar woman who looks just like Freddie's mother until I quickly realized it was her.

 As we all waited in line, I saw a familiar woman who looks just like Freddie's mother until I quickly realized it was her

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I noticed her walking towards our direction & I knew that today wouldn't be good for me at all.

"Hi, guys!" Briana said as she gave us all hug...except for Danielle then pulled away.

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