Chapter 22 : The day everything changed. (3)

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I felt like I was about to collapse. The day that started off amazing, had then turned into an absolute disaster. First, school was amazing, everyone was kind to me. Then I got home and it all kicked off. Amber had killed my grandfather in a worst way possible, the she set my house on fire and made my grandmother choke to death. Could this get any worse? This was supposed to be my sixteenth birthday. This was supposed to be the best day of my life. I was waiting for this day for ages and now? I wish it never came.

What was I expecting? Of course shit would go down on this day. But this? This was beyond what I was thinking.

The paramedics went back in the room and I was left alone with my thoughts. I sat in the chair and tried to breathe. I couldn't. The tears that were falling down made it really difficult to breathe at that moment. I put my head in my hands and my arms on my knees. I was a mess. I was lost. I was hurt. I was alone. That's all. The tears were falling harder and harder. I had no way of stopping them because I was physically unable to.

After a few minutes of crying, I got up. I wiped my tears, got my stuff, put my coat on. I went to the bathroom to check my self in the mirror one last time. I got in and all I saw was bloodshot eyes from all the crying. I did look like a total mess. I punched the mirror and walked out. I didn't want to see my reflection, not in this state. I barely walked out of the hospital without collapsing.

I didn't know where I was going. I just walked. And walked. And walked. I had no where to go or to stay. My house was burned down, my grandmother and grandfather were dead, my parents were dead. I was the only one left. I had nothing. I didn't have a house, or a family. The only solution I had was to sleep on the streets.

I walked to nowhere. I got to a cliff that I would sometimes visit when I was in time of need. I sat on the edge and enjoyed the view. Even though it was pitch black, the view of the blackness was so nice to watch. I always loved night times. I looked up at the stars, they were shining so nicely. I took out my phone to check the time. It was 11:50 pm which meant in 10 minutes I would start my shift. The sudden fear overwhelmed me. I wasn't ready for that. In fact, that was the last thing I wanted to happen. I dropped my phone onto the ground and put my knees together. What was gonna happen to me?

Suddenly my ringtone went off, it was Jack. I stared at the screen thinking whether to answer or not. I know I needed to answer him but I had doubts in me.

I picked up and heard his voice.

"Sophie ? You there?" He asked.
"Yes, I'm here" I answered in my sobbing voice and he breathed out a sigh is relief.
"Oh thank goodness. Sophie, where are you?" he asked.
"I don't know." I said honestly. I didn't know where I was. I was in the middle of nowhere.
"What do you mean? Aren't you at home" he said and that nearly bought me to the edge of tears. He didn't know what was going on.
"What home? I don't have a home, Jack. Amber burned it down. Along with my grandparents" I spilled it out in anger and stared crying straight afterwards. I couldn't take it anymore. I let it all out. I couldn't be strong, not at this stage. He didn't say anything for a few seconds.

"Sophie stay calm. You need to stay calm for the shift. In 5 minutes you will start...just tell me where you are and I will come" he finally spoke with a concerned voice. How could I keep calm at all? What was he thinking?
"Jack, I don't know where I am. I am in the middle of nowhere" I told him the truth and he went silent again.
"Okay. Stay on the phone to me while it happens. Please" He pleaded. That idea seemed crazy to me but logical. I didn't want to wait for it. I had nothing left to keep me alive. I lost everything and everyone I loved. Jack was the last thing I had left, but I didn't have anywhere to stay. I lost everything. I lost my family and grand family. I had no point in living.

I checked the time and it was 11:59 pm, about time it started.
"Jack..." I said calmly.
"Yes, Sophie" he answered and I knew he was worried.
"...I...I love you. With my body, heart and soul to death. Don't forget that" I told him and got up. I was at the edge of the cliff. I was ready to jump.
"Sophie? What do you mean? What are you doing" He asked, his breath became hatchier by the second. I could barely hear him through my ringing ears from the adrenaline.
"You wanna know where I am..." I said "...I'm at the edge of a cliff." that was all I managed to spill. That was all I could really say.

"Sophie please don't do anything. I will be there in few minutes" he stuttered in a monotone and hanged up. There was only one cliff where we lived so he knew where I was. I stood still. Looking down at the length of the cliff. It looked very deep; almost as if there was no ending to it.

The pain suddenly started. My bones started to break, one by one. Tears filled my eyes due to the sudden pain that I wasn't ready for. I was ready to jump, to end it, when I heard a car behind me. Jack has his own licence by now so I immediately knew it was him.

I tuned around and there he was. Standing right in front of me. The guy that I supposedly fell in love with. He approached me closer, his eyes never leaving mine. The pain in my body was getting stronger and stronger. I couldn't take it anymore. I turned around and walked a slight bit forward, towards the edge of the cliff. I heard Jack calling my name and telling me to stop. I didn't listen to him. I didn't want to stop. I just wanted to end the misery. I heard him run behind me.
He was too late.
I jumped.
My whole life flashed in front of my eyes. I wanted to get back up.
As I was about to hit the hard bottom....
I woke up.

I opened my eyes and looked around. It looked like I was in a hospital. I was in a little room by my self and I was laying on a bed. There were lots of wires connected to me.

What the hell is going on? Where am I? Why am I here? Didn't I die?

I heard the door open, it was Jack. He looked older, and much handsomer. He looked at me and his face lit up immediately .
"Nurse! Nurse, she's awake" he called out in a really happy voice and kneeled down beside me.
The nurse came in and she smiled so sweetly.

"I'm so glad you're awake Mrs Dawson! Me and Mr Dawson were worried sick" the nurse explained and held my hand to check my pulse.

I was now...Mrs Dawson? I was married to Jack?

"I will bring the baby in to you guys right now" she said to Jack and he nodded.
He kneeled back down towards me and smiled. His smile was so genuine that my heart flattered.

"You okay baby?" He asked me and ran his hand on my cheek.
"I guess? I don't know what's going on here though" I answered honestly. He looked at me and sighed.
"You lost a lot of blood when you were giving birth so you went unconscious. You were unconscious for nearly 2 hours" he explained calmly to me and grabbed my hand. My eyes widened. I was at the edge of death for nearly two hours and all of that happened was a flashback from my teenage years. My life really did flash before my eyes.

The nurse came in with a baby boy and handed it to me. I was in love with it already! I looked at Jack who was smiling like an idiot.

I still don't know what happened to me fully when I jumped off that cliff, but one thing is true understand, I made it. I had my own family and Jack was the father.

We spent another half an hour in the hospital because the nurses wanted to make sure I was fully able to function again and I wasn't going I faint coz of the blood loss. I might be a fully tuned werewolf, but blood loss from giving birth still affects me a lot.

Jack helped me to get up from the bed and we walked to the car which was parked outside with our little baby boy. I couldn't get enough of it! It was so handsome, just like his father.

We got in the car and drove off to our apartment. When we got there, Jack stopped the car and helped me to get out. He always was helpful but now? He is the best father I could ask for my child.

Amber? I don't remember hearing of or from her all these years. I was glad I didn't. As harsh as that sounds, I hoped she was dead. She messed my life up more than anyone ever could.

And although I still haven't fully recovered from my family loss, I know that with Jack by my side, it will not be long when the wounds heal.

                                                                          THE END.

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