Chapter 14

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I looked around the class for the teacher and he was no where near me, which meant that I could easily text Jack back. I took out my phone and from underneath my desk I managed to type a text to Jack saying that I am sorry for not telling him I was in the library. I put my phone away and felt like someone was staring at me. I turned my head towards Amber and there she was, glancing at me. The look she gave me sent shivers down my spine. It was cold and deadly, almost like she wanted to kill me. I tried to ignore that feeling as well as I could, and actually I succeeded. I don't know why I felt that way near Amber, but what I did know is that there is more to her than meets the eye. I needed to figure out what that something was, or I could easily be over reacting in this.

When the lesson ended, I stormed out of class and checked my phone, Jack texted me saying that he was outside the canteen waiting for me, which made me smile. I made my way to the canteen as fast as I could.

When I got the canteen I saw Jack and Amber. 'How did she beat me?!' I thought to myself considering she went after me. I didn't let those thoughts distract me. I knew what I needed to do.

I walked over to them and smiled and Jack waved at me.
"Hey there you are!" He said with excited voice.
"Yeah, sorry about break, I forgot to tell you"
"Oh no, don't worry it's fine" he said and scratched the back of his head. I loved it when he did that. The three of us went and sat down on the field to relax a bit since it was lunch time. Jack started making funny faces as usual and made us laugh so hard that me and Amber were on the floor laughing. "
Stop!" I laughed while holding my stomach because it was hurting from the laughter.

After we finished laughing Amber looked around impatiently. I could see her glare. She then looked at us with a smile. When she smiled I swear she saw her teeth were longer than usual.
"I need to go somewhere, I don't know if I will be back so have fun you two" she stated with a hard expression. She got her stuff and walked off.

There was only me and Jack left. He came closer to me.
"How you feeling?" He asked
"Fine, I guess" I tried answering that as polite and happy as I could. I didn't know how I was feeling. I was all over the place. Especially when I was with him, my whole world seems to then right around.
"You don't look so fine, tell me what's on your mind?" He looked me dead in the eye. I looked back at him without saying a word.
"You can read my mind, remember..." I teased and raised an eyebrow " don't have to ask me" and looked away. I could see him from the corner of my eye. As he began to read my thoughts, his expression changed. It went from soft and sweet to cold like a stone.

"Seriously? You think Amber is supernatural? C'mom Sophie, she is human. She is ONLY my friend, I know her for a long time but there's nothing going on between us, and there never will be..." He said and took my chin to make me face him "...I love YOU, and no one else. So don't worry about her, OK?" He said with such a sweet but low voice that nearly made me melt. My heart skipped and my eyes widened while staring back at his beautiful eyes, I swear I got lost in them. He held that position and suddenly, the world didn't seem so lonely anymore. I didn't notice anyone BUT Jack at that moment. But I knew I couldn't let myself fall in too deep so I looked away quickly.

"Yeah, I know" I answered, almost whispered it under my breath while looking down at the grass but I knew Jack heard me.
"Hey, seriously. There has to be more to this, otherwise you wouldn't act like this. Tell me"
"We doing this again? Jack, you said what I think. There's nothing to add. I like Amber but there's something strange about her, that's all" I said without looking at him still.

Amber came back and the three of us carried on laughing. I had to admit, she is pretty funny. Maybe I am wrong about this? Maybe I really AM overreacting.

It was the end of the day and I put my music in and walked out of the school gates. When I had my headphones in, I am in my own fantasy world, music is my escape from reality, plus who doesn't like good tunes?
Suddenly I felt a slight tap on my shoulder which made me jump. I tuned around and there was Amber.
"Uh hey, sorry about Science, I wasn't in the best mood" she said calmly.
"Don't worry about it" I answered gently. She smiled and walked away. I put my headphones back in and carried on walking.

I got home within a blink of an eye and walked in the front door. Of course the house was a disaster but I ignored that. I honestly did not have the energy to clean. I flipped my shoes off and made my way to my room where I could relax. To my surprise, I found chocolate on my bed with some coke. I knew my grandma left these for me since she knows that I'm going through a hard time. I threw my stuff and laid down on my bed. I looked up onto the ceiling and wished for peace. My thoughts got distracted by the buzzing sound of my phone. It was Jack, he told me to call him because he forgot to tell me something and that was really important. I rolled my eyes and answered his call.

"Uh, hey?" I said
"What's so important?" I asked with a really uninterested voice.
"Yeah that..." He stopped and sighed and I raised my eye brow " know where I marked you?"
Now my eyes were wide
"Well, I forgot to tell you that you marked me too. When we were in the middle of *cough* it, it hurt you so you bit my neck" he went silent and I just sat there blankly. Suddenly, the memories came flooding back and I remembered. 
"That would explain a lot!!" I said out loud. I was speaking my mind.
"Huh?" He asked
"You know, I've been thinking about you the whole day. And that must of been the reason why, because our bond is stronger!" I sounded like a little kid then. It sounded like I was getting a new toy, I was that excited.
"Ah yeah same, I know the feeling" he said and laughed.
"So, anything else? I'm kinda..." Before I could finish my sentence he cut me off
"No, go back to relaxing. That was all. Love you and see you later" he said and hanged up.

I couldn't believe that we completed the mate process! Actually, that would explain a shed lot! What now? Is it gonna be any different? And what is Amber gonna do? I don't know. I just don't feel like I can trust that girl, though I want to.

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