Chapter 21 : The day everything changed. (2)

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I sat down at my usual place and started to read my book. I got so into it and suddenly my tutor pointed me out and made me come to the front. I was always so paranoid about going to the front, I don't know why. I walked there and he turned me around to face everyone and he made them sing the happy birthday song to me. I found that really sweet of him. After they were done, he gave me a massive bag of sweets as my present. I thanked him and took the bag. I honestly was not expecting that from my tutor. I gave everyone a sweet each since I wouldn't be able to eat it myself and sat back down. I ate the rest and put the wrappers in the bin. The rest of tutor I spent just reading my book and not socialising at all.

My actual lessons were not that bad. Everyone was being extra nice which kind of creeped me out but made me flattered in a way. We only did revision, since we did our exams, it was extra chilled. Considering that it is only today that I have my birthday, I bet tomorrow they will go back to being aasholes. I didn't really care though.

The bell ended the lesson and I made my way to the library where I was supposedly meeting Jack, it was our usual place to meet. He was there bang on time as usual. He was never late to any meetings we had, which was kind of sweet in a way. I walked over to him and we smiled.

"Shall we go to the field?" He asked and I nodded. He knew I loved going to the field and considering it was a sunny day, it was especially nice.  We got to the field and sat down and I just relaxed. Whenever I was with Jack I knew I could finally relax. I laid in the grass and Jack joined me. We were staring at the clouds and making funny shapes out of them. It was fun until Amber came.
"Can I join you guys?" She asked innocently. It nearly made me sick, but since it was a special day, I was nice.
"Yeah, sure. Take a seat" I told her and she seemed shocked. I know that it was shocking for me to let her join us, but I needed to make peace with her. I mean, I didn't want to argue all the damn time. Jack was shocked too, and I didn't blame him.

All three of us had so much fun. We just stared at the clouds together and Amber was making us laugh so much that I thought my stomach was going to explode from all that laughter. Despite that, there was one thing that didn't leave my mind - Amber said that she will give me the REAL present after school. I was scared to figure out what that was. I did not know what to expect.

It was finally the end of the day. I stormed out my class as quick as I could. I didn't want to stay in school any longer. Besides, I wanted to play around with my new iPhone a bit more since I didn't have the chance to at school.

I got to a bus stop that was near my school and got on the bus which took me straight to my house. I was so happy about going home but school wasn't that bad after all. I mean I had no complications what so ever about today so far.

I turned on my music and stared out the window until I got home. I got off the bus and realised it was pretty dark. I checked the time and it was about 4/5 pm. I was quite shocked considering it shouldn't be pitch black at that time. I started to walk towards my road where my house was. That road scared me for some reason. It has lots of trees on it and grass, and even though it's private, when it gets really dark it looks like a freaking grave yard.

I got to my front door and put my key in since I knew it was gonna be locked. To my surprise the door was unlocked and open. I raised an eyebrow in confusion because my grandparents never leave it open. I walked in and it was so quiet. So empty. The overwhelming silence terrified me. I took my shoes off and walked in further looking for my grandparents. They were no where to be seen and so I started to worry a little.

"Grandma?" I called out. There was no response.
"Grandpa?" I called out. There was also no response.

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