Chapter : 10

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We walked as far as the field and sat down. For some reason I felt a little strange around Jack, as if I was He was like staring at me a lot, and everytime I looked at him he looked away.

I suddenly spaced out thinking about this whole situation. Jack clicked his fingers near my face which made me come back to reality.
"Uh? What did I miss" I asked confused and he just chuckled.
"Right, look at me" he demanded and so I did. "You look a bit pale, your eyes changed colour and your teeth are a bit sharp, but that's normal" he explained with a slight smile but you could see the sadness and concern in his eyes. I patted his shoulder and told him that I will be fine so he doesn't need to watch me 24/7. We carried on talking about me being a werewolf. It kind of made me sad because I am a bit scared about all this as this is so new to me. I heard a lot about it but actually being one, that is like more than my wildest dreams coming true.

We started walking again, and I was so excited since it was going to be the weekend and Jack was going to come around my house. I knew it was going to be perfect since he will see my grandparents and sleep around so we could talk about random stuff. We were walking in silence when I just glanced at him. He was looking perfect as usual, something about that him in that moment made me just "damn".

"How are you feeling?" He asked all of a sudden and I stopped for a second to think about how I was really feeling. Honestly? I was...confused at my own feelings.
"I'm uh, fine" I answered and looked at him and he just raised an eyebrow. I nodded and he looked away.

We got to my house finally and before I opened the door, I warned him.
"I have a really annoying dog, just saying" I said and winked at him.
"Doesn't matter" he answered and we walked in.
"Grandma, we're home" I shouted and she walked and greeted Jack.
"What a wonderful gentleman. You must be Jack" she said and smiled. He shook her hand
"Yes miss, it's very nice to meet you". He replied politely and I could already tell that she loved him.
"We gonna be in my room if you want anything" I said and we walked upstairs to my room. We got there and I shut the door, since I hate it open. I literally threw my stuff on my bed and Jack did the same. I sat down on my bed and Jack jumped on next to me.

"Want popcorn?" I asked since I knew we were gonna watch a horror movie.
"You know me too well" Jack answered and winked. I got up and walked downstairs where my grandma was watching TV as usual.
"That Jack guy, he sounds like a really good gentleman. And I can already tell he likes you, sweetie" the last sentence made me stop and turn and look at her.
"Granny, don't be silly. Me and jack are only best friends." I replied with a harsh voice. I didn't want my grandma knowing anything about me or Jack. All she needed to know was that me and him were best friends. She raised and eyebrow at me and I turned around and made some popcorn. I made my way upstairs to Jack. When I got to my room I saw Jack playing with my dog.

"You two having fun I see" I said and Jack immediately stopped and looked at me. He picked my dog and put her outside and shut the door while I sat in the bed.
"Sorry, that must of been weird to see" he said with a slight laughter. I shook my head and replied.
"Not really. I'm used to it. Anyway, which movie shall we watch?" I asked as I opened up my Netflix. We went through so many different movies. After like what seemed forever we finally found a good movie to watch. We both sat back and played it.

Half way through the movie I got really scared and nearly jumped but I tried to keep cool. I looked at Jack and his face was totally normal. Like he wasn't scared at all. I took a deep breath and carried on watching it. We got to the really scary part and that made me flinch so bad. Jack noticed and hugged me. He got up and put me in between his legs and wrapped his hand around me.

"Better?" He asked.
"Um, yes" I replied with a smile. My heart couldn't stop beating fast. He made it worse by putting his chin on my shoulder. I could feel is breath on my back which gave me goose pumps. This wasn't weird for us to do that even as best friends, but I have to admit this time it felt different. It felt more intimate.

The movie finally ended and I was expecting Jack to let go, but he didn't.
"You know, it's nice to sit like this" he stated in a really deep, husky voice. That made my heart beat faster but I knew I couldn't let anything happen. I unwrapped his arms and got up.
"I'm going to wash the plate" I said since the plate was dirty from popcorn. Jack just looked at me with a concern, as if to say 'is she ok'. I went downstairs quietly because I knew my grandma was asleep already. I washed the plate and walked back upstairs. I walked in and shut the door behind me.

"Hey, are you okay? You seem a bit off" Jack asked. I looked at him with confused eyes. "Yeah, sorry I guess the movie got into my head" I gave him an answer, of course which was bullshit. How was I supposed to say that I feel something towards him? How was I supposed to explain everything.
"If you say so" he said and started taking his shirt off to sleep. I couldn't help but stare at his back. It was muscly. It's not like I haven't seen him shitless before but this time...he looked better. I looked away as soon as I realised that my female hormones starred to kick in. After he took his shirt off he sat back down.

"You know you can tell me what's wrong, right?" He said and looked me straight in the eyes. That made me nearly melt since he was shirtless.
"Yes I know, but seriously nothing's wrong!" I replied quickly and smiled at him. He didn't believe me but he acted like he did by nodding.
"I'm gonna go change in my pjs" I said calmly and walked out of the room to get to the bathroom. I know he was staring at me as I walked out but I ignored it.

I got to the bathroom and locked the door. I looked at myself in the mirror. What the hell was I doing? What the hell was going on? Those are the questions I thought to myself. I was feeling so confused. The one thing I was sure about, was that I wanted Jack.

Sophie.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें