Chapter : 2

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(Jack's point of view)

Few weeks have passed. Me and Sophie have been getting closer, and yet, she hasn't told me anything about herself.

Recently, she's gotten into an argument with Isabelle, and of course, I comforted her. I will do anything for her, because I love her. Does she feel the same? I don't know. She's like a closed book, you can't read her emotions.

"Hey!" I said to her as I walked and hugged her.
"Hey Jackyboy" she said to me.
"Really, 'Jackyboy'?" I asked and laughed. I saw her looking shyly at the ground.
"Are you okay? After what happened between you and Isabelle." I asked concerned, to make sure she was actually okay.
"Um, yeah I guess, I just hope that she doesn't spread stuff about the others did." She explained and looked so down all of a sudden.
"Hey, it's fine. What happened to you? Please, I want to know." I pretty much demanded at that point. I knew this sounded a bit harsh, but I wanted to find out more. "Um..I'm sorry, I have to go now."

Saved by the bell I guess. Why is she trying to get away from telling me? Doesn't she trust me? I'm really confused. But, if she doesn't want to tell me, then I can't force her. I will wait and let her tell me by herself.
(Sophie's point of view)

Why does he want to know what I've been through? It's harder to say than he thinks. I would love to tell him, but not yet. I'm scared that I will loose him if I do. I don't want that. Never. Jack's the only one who I can trust now, and if I loose him, I will loose myself.

"Hey Jack" I went up to him at break.
"Hey" He replied emotionlessly. Jack sounded so annoyed at me.
"Look, sorry about earlier. It's just harder to explain what happened to me, than you think. I do want to tell you, but it's not the time yet. Please understand." I looked him straight in the eye. His face was expressionless. I couldn't tell if he was mad or not. Then after a few seconds he looked at me and hugged me and whispered in my ear.
"I do understand Sophie. Don't worry." That was the sweetest thing I have ever heard.
"Thank you Jack" I smiled and he let go off me and walked away to his friends.

He then suddenly looked back and came to me, grabbed me and took me over to his little group.

"Guys, this is Sophie, the one I was talking about" he introduced me to them. "He's been talking about me to his friends? What. Why?" All these questions were running through my head; I was confused to say the least.

"Hey!" Said one of them and walked towards me while the others just smiled. "I'm Kevin" he introduced himself with a really nice voice. He wasn't bad looking either.
"Hey, I'm Sophie" I replied and we shaked hands.
"So, you're Jack's friend huh?" Kevin asked while winking at me.
"Um, yeah" I replied nicely. Kevin took a look at me from my head to my toes.
"Well, I hope to see you soon again" He said while winking again. He sounded very charming.
"Yeah, you sure will" I replied and smiled and went up to Jack who wanted to speak to me.

"Hey, look be careful with Kevin. He is a player and I don't want you hurt" Jack said while looking me straight in the eye.
"What? Look, I won't get hurt more than I already am, Jack. Plus, Kevin sounds nice." I explained and looked at him quite angrily. His face dropped.
"Look Sophie, I know Kevin. I know what he's like, okay? If he asks you to meet up, don't. Okay? Say no. Sophie? Do you hear me?" Jack said while looking me dead in the eye again.
"Jeez, Jack calm down. I get it." I said to calm him down. What is his problem? I don't think Kevin is that bad.
(Jack's point of view)

Why doesn't she listen to me? I mean, I don't want her hurt. Kevin is a player and I know that he will try to hit on her. I just hope that she says no.

Sophie.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora