Chapter 18

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It's been few days since I haven't been at school. I had to admit, I miss seeing Jack. Me and him sorted it all out and have been talking on the phone everyday after school.

Although I was still in a shock after what happened, Jack made me feel a slight bit better. He still doesn't know the reason why I decided to stay out of school, but he doesn't need to. He has his own problems to worry about, and if I told him what Amber said to me he would freak out. That's why I think it's best to keep it to my self. I mean, yeah it involves him but the truth would kill him. And he would have to choose between me or...her. I don't know how he would react to that, I think it would destroy him mentally. To be honest, I wouldn't blame him though. I remember when I had feelings for two people and then I had to choose. I still don't know to this day if I made the right choice. I guess I will have to wait and see what future holds, right? And since it's near my birthday, like about a month, I should be looking forward to it.

I woke up this morning with the thought that I had to go to school. That thought haunted me. I still wasn't mentally prepared for any of this, but you know how it is. If I wanted to pass my exams which are in weeks time, I needed to be there. Besides, my grandmother wouldn't let me stay at home any longer.

I crawled out of bed and got dressed in my school uniform. I then put my makeup on and looked in the mirror. I didn't look that bad I guess. My hair was in a sexy mess, my uniform was hanging off my body flawlessly and my makeup was on fleek. I guess this day wasn't going to be so bad after all.

After I was done with all that I made my way downstairs for usual breakfast. It was my routine to get dressed, put makeup on and then go down to eat breakfast. If I tried skipping it my grandmother would always be moody at me and complain because "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" she always used to say to me, and I think that's why I got in my head that I needed to have it.

I got downstairs and welcomed my grandmother and grandfather with a slight kiss on a cheek. I looked at the table and there was toast with coffee, my favourite. I sat down and started to eat it. I have to admit, it was delicious! When I was little my mother used to make me toast too...until she died. Which brought back the memories of my childhood.

I didn't let that thought ruin my day so I ate it quickly and walked out of the house onto the creepy bus stop. I got the bus stop and as usual, I got weird vibes from it. The bus came sooner as usual so I was just on time. I sighed and got on.

'Another day to fight, huh?' I thought to myself. I knew I needed to get my shit together because of school and exams and I needed to concentrate more than ever. I put my headphones in and tried to relax and ignore all the bullshit that was gonna to be thrown at me the second I would cross the school gates, but there was no time to think about that.

I got off the bus and started to walk towards the school. I have to admit, going back to school after a few days of being depressed wasn't the best idea. But what other choice did I have? I needed to put up with my mental state and deal with the fact that I am back in school. Besides, I had exams coming up and I NEEDED to focus.

I got the school gates and sighed. I honestly did not want to cross that gate. I put my foot across and heard running behind me. I looked up and I saw Jack sprinting towards me like a damn bullet. I was thinking wether to move away or stay where I was. I stood still and waited for him to run towards me. He came to me and hugged me really tight. I missed his hugs to be honest. I hugged him back even tighter. He pulled away and put my chin up and he locked eyes with mine.

"I am so happy to see you, you don't even know" he said and smiled so sweetly. I felt my heart skip a bit, and for the first time I was...happy. I was happy to see him. The way he smiled made my emotions come back. Love, happiness, warmth...all of those emotions brought back by one person, amazing, it is not?

"And I am happy to see you, too" I replied after staring into his eyes for a few seconds and smiled back. I couldn't think of a batter start of my day than this. And the best part was that Amber was no where to be seen. I could walk around freely and didn't have to worry about how to act.

Me and jack walked together in the hallway and I heard whispers.

"Oh my god, she is back"
"what did she do"
"why did she leave"
"I heard she tried suicide"

I rolled my eyes. Isn't it amusing that kind of rumours people can come up with while you're not at school?

Jack gave them all a death glare and they stopped. We carried on walking along the hallway and my heart stopped. What I saw made me freeze. It was Amber, laughing along with one of the guys. I stopped and I think Jack noticed that I was scared of seeing her. He grabbed my hand for reassurance.
"It's gonna be okay, just stay calm" he whispered softly to my ear.
We walked towards her and as soon as she noticed me she came closer.
"Oh, I see you're back" she said and glared at me. The glare she gave me made me jump back.
"Amber leave her alone, can't you see that she's not in the best state" Jack said harshly. He didn't have to defend me. I knew how to fight back, but at that moment, I was glad I had him. I looked up at Amber and she smiled sweetly.
"Oh, I remember now! Its near your birthday, is it not?" She said to me and I nodded with fear.
"Great then. I will give you the best birthday party! Trust me..." she said and came closer to me and in a whisper she carried on "a party you'll never forget" and walked away.

I felt tears at the back of my eyes. I pulled Jack's arm down to signalise that I needed to get out of there as soon as possible. He got the hint and we started to walk away.
"What did she say to you?" Jack asked as we got to the bench and sat down.
"What? Oh, nothing...don't worry" I said almost in a whisper and looked up at him. He raised his eyebrow but then I think he got the hint that I didn't want to talk about it. We laughed and talked until the bell rang. I went to my tutor and somehow I already knew that this day was going to be one of the worse days.

I got to tutor and Amber's voice was playing in my head

I will give you a party you'll never forget

West did she mean by that?

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