Chapter : 9

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We got to school and I knew that she was staring at me up and down. I looked at her and she quickly turned around..that formed a slight smile on my face after so long. I'm so happy that I finally told her who and what I am and I'm even more happier that she took it the way she did, calmly. Now all I need to do is teach her lots of stuff and she should be fine.

We got back on the field and the bell went which meant that it was period 3&4. I grabbed Sophie's hand.
"Sophie, I will see you at lunch, same place" I said and she nodded and started to walk away but then she stopped herself and turned around.
", what about Alfie??" Her eyes widened and her expression dropped the second she asked that. I could feel my eye widen as well. Honestly, I don't know. I don't know how to help with that, but what I do know is that she needs to end it with him as soon as possible. He can't find out that she's a werewolf no matter what. No one can.

"You're gonna have to end it...I know you love him but that's the best way" I stated and saw the sadness in her eyes, but not only that; I also saw fear. Sadness and fear were very visible to see in her. I put my arm on her shoulder and said in a calm voice. "Sophie, calm down. I'm here for you, I will help you okay? Now go to your lesson and I'll see you at lunch" I nodded and walked away from her, leaving her with her thoughts. Gosh, I know this isn't going to be easy for her but she needs to do it.

I started to walk and couldn't stop thinking about her. Her. She was all over my mind. Was I really that deep in love with her? I absolutely was. Sophie is my mate, so of course I will be. She just has that something that I need.

On my way I bumped into few people and said sorry right afterwards. I really needed to stop spacing out in the middle of corridor. I finally got in my class and sat down. I already knew I wouldn't concentrate.

*Sophie's POV*

This is crazy! Jack is a werewolf? And so am I?

I have to admit that I was more than terrified when Jack told me about last night..when he said he was the one who bit me I got shivers down my spine. My own best friend did that to me. Even though I know he wasn't himself at that point...

What I can't stop thinking about is how am I going to live a normal life now? I mean, Jack can but I get it was hard for him at first and, in fact it still is. Then again, hearing all about the werewolf life from an actual werewolf is so satisfying. I'm really fascinated about this. I love the supernatural and now I have the actual chance to have that so close to me actually be one.

I still don't know what am I going to do about Alfie. I can't tell him the truth. Plus, he wouldn't believe me anyway. He would think I'm crazy or something. I think I don't have any feelings for Alfie anymore...I just don't feel the same when I see him, instead I feel like he's only my old friend and nothing else. I don't see him as anything more. It's like part of me moved on.

However, now I feel weird around Jack..I don't know why but I just feel...happier. His smile makes me smile, he's laugh is gorgeous, his voice sounds sweeter than ever before..and I get butterflies when he hugs me. Have I fallen in love with him? I'm not sure about that, but it feels like I have. It just doesn't make sense how all of a sudden I get these mixed emotions? I need further advice.

As I walked to my class I couldn't stop thinking about Jack and what he told me and how happy I feel when I'm with him. It's just something I can't describe. I have never felt about anyone this way..the way I feel about Jack right now, the way my heart feels is indescribable. It feels as if I need to be around him 24/7 to be satisfied.

I knew I wasn't going to concentrate on this lesson anyway. I just kept on staring at the clock, looking as the minutes went by one.

This felt slower than I thought. 'Can this hurry up!' I thought to myself, unpatiently. I just wanted to get out of there and go and see Jack already. I spaced out until one of my classmates snapped her fingers near my face.

"Hey Sophie! Wake up" she said and I immediately looked at her confused.
"Huh?" I said and shook my head than looked back at her and she whispered.
"You okay? You seem to be zoning out a lot recently" she asked me with a serious expression, I could tell she was coming up with something since she was a smartass and all into how the brain works. Mostly psychology I'm guessing. I shook my head again and laughed a bit quietly.
"Yeah, I'm okay don't worry about me" I turned to face her from the board and I saw her just staring at with a raised eyebrow.
"Sure, whatever you say" she said and smiled and I smiled back. For the rest of the lesson I managed to pay attention somehow and get my mind off this whole situation I'm in. The teacher told us to write some notes down so I quickly did and looked at the time and it was only ten minutes left remaining of the lesson.

'Ah, thank god' I thought and let out a sigh. When everyone finished for the last few minutes we could just mess about since we've done everything we needed to. When the bell finally went I ran out like a bullet and made my way down the corridor to the library. I have to admit, I was so happy to see Jack!

I got to the library and saw Jack already waiting there for me so I went up to him.
"Hey, sorry if I took a bit long" I said and smiled and he smiled back innocently.
"No no, I just got here. Nice timing" he replied while winking at me which made my heart beat faster. I laughed and punched him lightly in the shoulder and we made our way to the canteen since we were staving.

" How're you feeling about all this?" Jack suddenly asked when we were in the line, his expression very serious it almost made me jump.
"Well, for now, I want to forget about it." I answered sadly, yet truthfully. I honestly did want to forget about it. Then I looked at him and he nodded to himself.

"Hey, don't be sad. It's going to be alright"

I hope what he's saying is true. I have mixed emotions about all this and right now, I don't know what to do. I want to process this, but my brain isn't letting me. It's as if there's something in my brain blocking this new world which I'm in out. Me and Jack were talking when we noticed the line getting shorter. We finally got to the canteen and are our food. We talked about him coming to my house since it was the weekend and we could talk more about this. I obviously agreed and I knew my mom loved Jack so she wouldn't have anything against him coming over.

"Sure, I'll text my mom and see what she says now" I did as I said. Jack was eating his panini, but something about him in that moment nearly made me melt. I know it's ridiculous but he looked so good. I couldn't keep my eyes off him until he saw me staring at him so I quickly tuned away. I could see him smiling and raising his eye brow. "Where you just staring at me?" He asked  jokily. I looked at him as if I didn't know what he was talking about.
"What are you taking about?" I replied as I crossed my arms and then we both laughed.

After we finished we walked out and sat on the field. As we sat down my mom answered and just as I thought, she agreed.
"Hey, my mom agreed" I said checking my phone and I could see Jack smiling from the corner of my eye as he sat down next to me.
"That's great then!" He answered and laid down on the grass. I did the same since I loved doing that ever since I was a kid. We talked a bit until it was time for our lessons.

We made our way to our lessons and said that we were gonna meet by the water fountain, as we usually do after school. I just hoped this lesson didn't take forever. I got in my class and sat down at my usual seat. The teacher came in and told us what to do.

The whole class fell silent and we started doing our work.

It was nearly the time to go and we started to pack and clean the class. I was really tired for some strange reason, I could barley walk upright. The teacher finally let us go and as I walked out of the class I felt way better. It was as if I got all my energy back. I don't know how but I did.

I made my way to the water fountain and waited for Jack. After a few minutes, Jack got there and we hugged and started to walk towards the bus stop.

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