Chapter 16 : History likes to repeat itself

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I stood still as a statue at that exact spot. I couldn't bring myself to move at all. It almost felt like all the emotions are being sucked out of me slowly and painfully. I felt betrayal overwhelming me. My whole body was numb and I was unable to move. All I could think about at that moment was what just happened. It all happened so fast that I lost track. My mind went blank and I honestly did not know what to do anymore. I just wanted to disappear right there, right now.

I dropped to the ground. Something inside me was telling me to run after him and talk this out; that I should of said something before he left. The other part of me is like no leave it, it was his choice. I didn't know which side to agree with. They were both right in a way.

I was laying on the cold and wet grass unable to move. The shock was much too real and I knew I couldn't stay in school any longer today. Who cares if I have important lessons or revision. I don't care about exams anymore. I am mentally not ready to revise. All of this shit that has been going on literally drained every shred of happiness and hope I had left since of me.

After a few minutes I managed to get up. Or shall I say I forced myself up.

"Because you were jealous"

Those words were playing over and over in my head. Was he right? Was I really this much of a psycho?

I brushed the grass off me and then I heard clapping behind me. I didn't dare to turn around and face who ever that was. Something was telling me it was Amber. But I didn't dare to check. I just stood there, staring into the open space while the clapping got louder as it came near me.
"Well done.." I heard Amber's voice while clapping " really did a nice job, didn't you?" She let out a little laughter.
I turned around to face her. I think what she saw made her terrified. Her expression changed from evil to shocked.
"My my, this really got into you, didn't it?" She asked a rhetorical question.
"What do you want?" I asked sharply.
"No need to be so rude" She rolled her eyes and came closer to me "you see, what you told Jack is false and just an act. A well-played act" she said in a whisper while smirking at me. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.
"You tricked me?" I asked.
"Well you see darling, I knew you were gonna walk past there at any second. That's why I needed to make a show for you to go and tell Jack so he could think you're a psycho" she said while folding her arms and her expression seemed triumphy.
"And why did you do that?" I nearly groaned at that moment. I was so angry that my wolf side was showing really well. And I think she could tell.

"Well you see, I am not a vampire. However, I am a powerful witch and let's just say, I used my powers for good" she said while evilly winking, which sent shivers down my spine. "And also, quit acting hard and scary. It doesn't work on me" she said with kind of laughter in her voice.
"So you mean, Jack is your toy?" I asked angrily.
"Basically. But there's more to it than you think my love" she said and her expression softened. She sounded like my mom with all that "darling" and "love", it sounded so fake.

"Tell me then, what am I missing in this?" I said while trying to hold back the tears and the fact that she made the love of my life basically hate me made this even worse. She used him like a toy for her sake.
'Could this get any worse' I thought to myself. But it very could, I knew what she was about to say will change my and Jack's life forever. And I was truly terrified at that point. I guess you could say I wasn't ready for any of this. I didn't sign up for this!

"Well you see..." She started to explain and I listened carefully " thing I cannot stand is someone taking what's mine..." She stated but didn't face me "...which is what YOU are doing..." She suddenly turned around and came closer to me.
"What? What do I have to do with someone taking what's yours?" I asked her with confusion.
"Wow, you really ARE dumb, aren't you?" She said and let out a sigh. "Let me explain darling. Me and you were never buddies in the first place" she said with her expression so deadly but emotionless at the same time. Her eyes narrowed and she frowned at me which made me jump back "Jack is mine. And you are taking him away from me. And however, I cannot allow that I'm afraid" her expression softened and my jaw dropped once again.

"What? What are you talking about? Jack is my mate. Me and him are bonded and there's nothing you can do" I said confidently. I mean, that was the truth, right? Or so I thought.
"You see, not exactly. Jack isn't your mate however, but mine. I am a thousand year old witch. I have seen a few things and done a few things that I regret. And one of them was leaving Jack and making him forget all about me in a mate way using my magic, of course" she carried on and I just listened. I couldn't believe what was happening. I couldn't believe what I was hearing from her. It all seemed so bizarre. Almost untrue.

"All he remembers is that me and him met few years ago and that we were good friends. However, when I saw you, I knew you were his second mate. A mate from THIS era. And that is when I decided to show up and come to this school. Yes Sophie, I know you better than you might think" her words cut me like a knife. With every piece of word that she said, it went deeper and deeper. The tears started to run down my face like a waterfall. I couldn't help it. All this time I thought Amber was just a normal girl and now it turns out that she is a witch who made Jack forget all about their mate bond?

This is crazy! Absolutely crazy. I wiped my tears and looked at her. I needed to hear more. She fell silent and so did I.
"But, why did you make him forget?" I asked and broke the silence. I looked at her and saw the sadness and regret on her face.
"Because I had to." She said and closed her eyes so hard it almost looked as if she was gonna go blind "I had to leave. Shit went down and I had to leave Jack. And the only sensible result for everything to go back to normal seemed to be to make him forget about everything. I have put him through misery and I will never forget myself for that. That is the exact reason why I left. Why I made him forget" she explained and the tears fell down her cheeks. I stood still. I didn't know if I should comfort her or leave. I wanted to leave but I needed to hear more. She wiped her tears and looked at me as if nothing ever happened.

"Sophie, I have no intentions in hurting you. However, if you get in my way I will have no choice but to kill you. And I don't want to. So the best thing you can do right now is not to get in my way. Listen to this advice and we will be fine. Don't listen and you'll suffer the consequences. And trust me, I dealt with this many times before. I have no problem with killing you off. I've done it before, so why not again"
"You won't kill me. Jack won't allow you" I answered with my shaky voice due to the tears and the lump that was building up in my throat.
"Oh here we go again. Just like the old times. It's amazing that all of you are so stupid. You never learn" she said and before I could answer, she disappeared. Just vanished into thin air.

There is no words to describe what I was feeling. Everything seemed to unreal to me. Like I was in a fairy tail of some sort. But the thing that scared me the most is what she was gonna do. I mean me and Jack are mates either way, and since there's only few weeks left until exams and graduation...and also, my 16th birthday, me and him are going to be closer than ever before.

I can't believe my life has come to this.

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