Chapter 15 : Shouldn't have seen it.

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It's been few weeks since Amber came to my school. Me and her have gotten along pretty well now. I mean better than we did when I first met her. I think Jack is happy about that too since we don't fight anymore. But, there's still a mystery to her which I need to find out. She is acting strange recently but I guess it's nothing to really worry about.  As long as me and her get along and Jack is happy, then I'm happy.

As usual, I got my breakfast and got out to the creepy bus stop. In a way I like the bus because it can give me time to think about everything that it's going on. The only bad thing is that damn bus stop. It's so gloomy and dark in the mornings and it gives me shivers. I was so glad to see the bus come early and so I got on and sat down at the front.

I put my headphones in and stared out the window and got into really deep thinking. Overthinking was my special talent. I would always overthink everything and make it seem worse than it actually is.

I didn't even realise it was my stop until I got out of my day dream. I quickly pressed the button and ran downstairs and got off. That surely was a kickstart to my morning.
I started walking towards the gate and as I got closer I saw Jack waiting for me. It made me smile because he always waited, it didn't matter if I was late or not. That's why I loved him. However, even though he waited, I feel like me and him are drifting apart. We don't talk the way we used to, we don't spend that much time together and most importantly his behaviour towards me changed. He seems to be more cold. It feels weird, it's almost as if he has been compelled or something.

I got to the gate and Jack saw me and smiled.
"Hey" I said with my kinda tired voice.
"Hey, you alright?" He asked while hugging me.
"Yeah just tired." I said and let go. I looked around and noticed that Amber wasn't there with us.
"Where's Amber?" I asked with raised eyebrow.
"Oh, she said she had to do something and left" he said with hands in his pockets and looking down at the ground.
"Oh okay makes sense" I answered and he nodded. We got into the school and I remembered I had to go to my catch up before the lesson started.
"Hey, I have to leave you and go to a catch up. But I'll see you at break" I said and he nodded and smiled. I waved and walked away.

I was near my catch up room when my shoe laces came undone and so I tripped. When I tied them back up, I looked up and saw two people near the end of the field. I mean, me being me, I walked slowly over to them. As I got closer and closer, the two people became more clear. It was Amber and some dude.

When I got close enough what I saw made me stop and I nearly scream. Amber was bitting into his neck and was drinking his blood. The horror that I just saw made me cover my mouth so no noise came out. I couldn't let myself to make any sound just in case they saw me. I turned around and ran away as fast as I can. I think she saw me though because I could see her glancing at me when I ran off.

'Amber was a vampire!? What! That could not be possible!! Jack told me she was only a human!' Those words were haunting my head. I just couldn't believe what I saw. She lied to both of us and I thought me and her were getting along pretty well. Now she scared the hell out of me. I might be a werewolf, however seeing a real life vampire or any supernatural creature terrifies me.

I turned the corner and ran as fast as I could to find Jack and tell him what I just witnessed. That horrible picture is still in my head. I knew there had to be more to Amber than just some wimpy nerd! But her being a vampire was beyond my imagination.

I carried on running until I saw Jack from the corner of my eye. I must of looked like a crazy ex who was angry. I stopped when I got near him to catch my breath so I didn't sound tired and I could get to the point straight away. I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder.

"Oh hey, did you run? You look exhausted" he asked and smirked while folding his hands across his chest.
"Shut up. I have to tell you something important..." I whispered through my breath and looked around. "...But not here. Come with me"

There was way too many people around for me to say what I just witnessed. I took Jack's hand and dragged him where there was an empty place. When we got there I stepped in front of him and looked him dead in the eye. I took a deep breath and started to explain as calmly as I could.
"Okay, I know this might sound weird..." I looked away and closed my eyes "but I just saw Amber biting someone's neck. Jack, she isn't a human, she is a god damn vampire!!" I nearly shouted it out.

Jack looked so confused and his eyes widened. But then he chuckled a little bit and looked back at me.
"What? Sophie, why would you say that? Do you seriously hate Amber this much?" He said with deadly eyes. I knew he didn't believe me but I know what I saw.
"No. Jack please..." I tried to explain more but he interrupted.
"No. Sophie if you hate her this much then you should of admitted it to me instead of making stuff about her. I thought you weren't like that" he said and started to walk away but I stopped him and looked him dead in the eye again.
"Jack, I know what I saw. Why would I make something like this up?" I said. My expression softened and it felt like the tears were about to come out. I couldn't show him that I was at the verge of crying and I needed to prove my point. He stopped, turned out and looked at me. His expression emotionless but also deadly. If looks could kill, I would be dead already.
"Because you're jealous" he said quietly and softly. I was shocked. My jaw dropped and I didn't know what to answer. He gave me a glance and then turned around and walked away. I wanted to call after him but there was no point. I just stood there. Alone. Hurt. All the emotions at once hit me, and there was nothing I could do about it.

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