Chapter : 7

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I was unable to move, it felt like something trapped me or pinned me down. I couldn't speak, I could only hear. Whenever I tried opening my eyes it hurt like hell. The sun was burning them. I thought I was outside for a second, but then when my eyes decided to work properly I could see that I was in my own bed.

"Sophie?" I could hear my name being called out by a familiar voice, but I couldn't really tell who it was. Everything was just a blur to me.

"Sophie..? Oh there you are. Get up Hun. You'll be late to school!"  They said as they entered my room. I tuned to face whatever it was. Suddenly, I felt better and I could speak again. I looked at the figure; I could clearly make out that it was my grandad.

"Oh yes grandad, sorry but I don't feel well, can I stay at home?" I knew that his answer would be a no but I still tried. He was strict when it came to school, but I could barely remember where I am.

"You kidding? NO! Get up and get ready, I'll write an excuse for you being late" He answered and walked out angrily. I was left alone when suddenly my head started spinning again and my eyes went out of focus. I used my strength and trier my best to get myself up.

I walked over to a mirror that was near my bed and looked at myself. I wasn't expecting what I saw....I had a bite mark on my neck which looked healed, but freshly done. For a second I did think it was a love bite, and my whole being hoped it was. I ran my hand down it and it gave my shivers. 'How the hell did that get there?' I thought to myself.

Fear got sent down my spine and overwhelmed my whole body. Was I...bitten? I looked closely to examine further. I saw my eyes tun from green to gold right in front of me. I jumped back in shock and landed on my back. I silently whimpered as pain hit me. I got up and took a deep breath. I don't remember anything from last night. What happened? Where did the bite mark come from? I ran my hand through my hair in confusion.

As I got dressed I realised that my school tshirt was enough to hide the mark, thankfully. I didn't really want anyone asking me about it. I got my bag ready and took a last look in the mirror; my eyes were back to green. My head was still spinning and the sun was blinding me from my window. I was so confused, angry, annoyed all at once.

Since I knew my grandad wouldn't let me stay at home I had to go out. I was about to walk down stairs when I remembered I forgot my phone. I went back into my room and searched for it. I searched my whole room and I couldn't find it. It was a new phone and I already lost it. I tried to ignore the fact that I won't be able to listen to music on the bus and carried on, not thinking much of this. I walked downstairs and walked out without even saying goodbye. At that point I honestly didn't care.

The bus came sooner so that meant I could get on sooner than I wanted to. I got on, sat down and stared out the window since that's what I do when I don't have my music.

Suddenly my eyes felt so heavy..and eventually I fell asleep. I had a nightmare. I dreamed that I was in a was pitch black and that I got bitten by a werewolf with gold eyes and black fur. I woke up in fear and tears streaming down my face. I quickly wiped them and looked around to see if anyone noticed; no one did.

I pressed the bell which signalised I was getting off. I thanked the driver and got off the bus. "What the hell was that dream?' I thought on my way to school. Was that what happened to me? The memories from last night were still a blur.

I got to school gates and saw Jack. For some reason my body sent me a shiver and fear overwhelmed me. When Jack saw me his eyes widened and immediately he walked towards me. I don't know why him, but something was telling me he would help me. I just stood there still at the spot. I watched him walked slowly closer to me. Suddenly, something in my body was telling me to run for my life. I suddenly felt fear going all over me again. My breathing rate increased as well as my heartbeat when I saw him approaching.

"Hey...Sophie you okay? You look so pale" He asked with concern in his voice. I couldn't help but focus on him. I really wanted to run. I just wanted to get away from him.
"Um yeah, I'm okay, I think. I need your help, though." I let out without thinking and looked up at him. I saw him just standing there examining me up and down. "Jack?" I repeated. It looked like he wasn't listening at all so I clicked my fingers to wake him up.

"I'm sorry, yes?" He finally snapped out of it.
"I need your help with something!" I repeated and this time he was paying attention. "Um, yeah sure. What's up?" He asked and ran his hand through his hair and looked at the ground and then back at me.
"Well, I don't-" I stopped because I noticed Alfie walking towards us. He pushed Jack away and kissed me on the cheek while greeting me.
"Hey babe" I replied as cheerfully as always. This time it felt if I was loosing feelings for him. I didn't feel butterflies as I used to. It felt..wrong. I smiled at him anyway and then turned to Jack.
"Meet me by the library at break" I mouthed to him and he got it and nodded. I walked away with Alfie. We walked over to his pack of friends as we usually do. I thought they would take my mind off of everything; they didn't. My mind would constantly wonder off the track and focus on that one question.

What the hell happened to me?


*Jack's POV*

She looked so damn pale. I remember what I looked like when I was close to being a full werewolf; and I did this to her. The guilt is eating me alive. This will ruin her whole life and I know it. If only she wasn't in the woods at that point! Dammit. I know what she wants to talk to me about but how am I supposed to tell her what actually happened? How am I supposed to tell her the truth about me? HOW? What if she's gonna hate me?

The thing is that she is my mate, in both ways. I found that out when I realised how much I loved her. Sophie is my mate and I wouldn't stand hurting her. She needs to know the truth sooner or later, though.

I shook my head and walked to my class hoping it'll end quicker so I can meet her. It was maths so of course it wouldn't. I still had hope. I walked to the maths department building and got in my class. The whole time I kept on spacing out and thinking about Sophie and what I've done. She's not 16 yet though, so she won't be transforming or shifting yet, which at least is a good thing about all this. I have some time to teach her how to control herself and how to transform.

"Jack Gilbert" I heard my teacher say and I immediately snapped out of my daydream. "Yes miss?" I said and she asked me a question. To her surprise I answered it correctly. I felt an evil smirk forming across my face. I love proving teachers that I was listening even though I wasn't.

After that I went back to my daydream until the lesson was over. I didn't even realise I was staring at one of my classmates. "Sorry" I mouthed to her after I realised and she smiled and turned around. Her face went red the second I looked at her. I rose up my eyebrow in confusion.  'Okay then' I thought. I looked at the clock and it showed five minutes left of the lesson. We just sat down and the teacher was talking to us about some bullshit.

Then finally after what actually seemed like forever it was time to go. I ran out the class and made my way to the library where I was supposed to be meeting with Sophie. I was so nervous I didn't even know what I was going to tell her.

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