Chapter : 5

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*Jacks POV*

Today is another day when I have to put up with Sophie and Alfie, but this time together for real. I think I will end up killing one of them sooner or later. There is a thing I'm scared about the most; what if I snap? What if I do actually hurt someone because I'll get too angry? I don't want to hurt Sophie. I don't want her to see me in this state. To find out the whole truth about me. It's not the right time for anyone to know. I'll just have to bring some stuff with me to school, and hope that I can control myself. Besides, it's Thursday already, and Amber is supposed to be starting our school next week, so I'll just hold on until then.

I got my school stuff ready and some extra bits to help me get through the day and I went out the door to go to school, this should be fun.


*Sophie's POV*

Today will be just great! Me and Alfie are officially dating now and I'm so happy about it! We spend the whole night on the phone just talking about some random stuff. I'm so glad I have him. In a way, I feel bad for Jack. However, I still don't understand why he's acting this way, it isn't fair on me. I haven't done anything, and it's my life anyway. I can date who I want, right? If Jack doesn't like it for whatever reason, that's his problem.

There's one thing that's been bothering me...I still don't get why his eyes change to gold? Like, his eyes are naturally blue. It doesn't make any sense to me what so ever.

I got my stuff ready and walked outside to the bus stop. I hate waiting for the bus because that place always gives me a weird feeling. I decided to put music in my ears and try to ignore it as much as possible.

As I got off the bus, I saw Jack walking down as he always does, I turned my music off and wanted to talk to him, but instead I walked straight past him. I couldn't build the courage to stop as talk to him about it.

(Jacks POV)

Well well well, she just walked right past me and ignored me, what a great way to start a day.

I'm scared for today, It's the full moon and that means my feelings and emotions are high as fuck right now. I know I will have to control them and calm myself down before I literally kill anyone over here. I have the stuff that I need with me to keep me calm for the day until dawn.

I walked through the the gate still kind of shocked about what happened between me and Sophie, but I put my hoodie up and carried on walking towards my friends as I usually do every morning. I think they saw what happened because they were comforting me.

"Guys, calm down okay? I'm fine. I already said" I tried to assure them that I was fine but none of them believe me. I just rolled my eyes and brushed the topic off.
"Oh yeah mate, it's the full moon today did you hear? My favourite!" I heard one of my friends say which made my head snap towards him. None of them know that I'm a werewolf yet, so I tried to keep my coolest face at that point.
"Yeah I know! It's so pretty. You want to hang out?" My other friend turned to me and asked.
"Sorry, I can't. Have plans already." I explained with a lie and he winked at me.
"Plans huh?" He laughed and I punched him lightly in the shoulder. We all laughed and carried on with our day. I could already tell that this is going to be the worse day of my life. I just had to wait until the end of the day when the full moon would be up, then my nightmare will come to life.

The one thing I do love about being a werewolf is the forests! They're so mysterious and beautiful. I love visiting them, and in fact I have one near my house which I can easily get to at night. The harder part is the sneaking out, though. I have to sneak out the house without anyone hearing or seeing me. Which is actually harder than you think.

*Sophie's POV*

I heard Jack and his friends talk about how today is the full moon. It fascinates me so much! I like how the moon can control the ocean and change your behaviour. Supernatural stuff such as werewolves, vampires and witches. It's been my childhood goal to meet a wolf and stroke it. I know it sounds crazy, but that's really what I always wanted!

I'm planning to go to a forest near my house at night and just take a walk. If the urban legend about werewolves coming out at night is true, this is the best time to see one

I checked the time it was only ten minutes until the end of the school day, which means that it was closer to midnight and since it's the weekend, my dad wouldn't mind if I stayed up a bit longer. I kept looking at the clock and after what felt like forever, finally the minutes are up and we were let out of school. I ran out the class and met Alfie at the gates and we got the bus together since we live the same way. The whole way home we talked about the full moon and the supernatural.

"Haha babe, you're crazy you know that?" He laughed and looked at me after what I told him I was planning to do.
"Yes I know, but that's why you love me!" I answered and we kissed and said goodbye. I got inside my house and not to my surprise, the house looked like trash. The kitchen was dirty, there were unclean plates around everywhere. I let out a sigh and started to wash up. After I was done I quietly walked to the living room where I found my grandad sleeping. I rolled my eyes since he always sleeps and made my way upstairs. I changed my clothes form the uniform and threw my self on the bed. I loved my bed, it was so nice and comfortable.

"It's not the time to sleep!" I said to myself and got up. I reached for a book called "Supernatural Facts" which had everything that interested me in it. I continued to read it to pass time so I could go for a midnight walk. From the book I found out that werewolves are not friendly at all and that if they see you, you might even die, and if you get bitten by one you might turn into one yourself. That new information sent shivers down my back but it surely didn't stop me from going to the forest at all.

After a long time of reading the book, I checked the time and it was nearly midnight so I got everything ready for protection and you can call it "camping" for the night and made my way downstairs. I tip toed down the stairs making sure not to make any sound. I peaked over to my grandad and grandma and saw they were completely asleep and that meant nothing could wake them up. I let out another sigh of relief and walked straight out the door.

It was peach black outside as I thought, so I took out my flashlight and started to walk fast. In a blink of an eye I could see the forest in front of me. I got scared a bit but that didn't stop me from crossing the gate and waking deeper into the woods. I found a place to lay down on, it was solid and the only part that wasn't muddy. I looked around and all I could see was blackness. Nothing else. I loved forests for their mysterious look that they give at night.

I took out my phone and did something on it. It took few hours or so it seemed until I heard something howl around me...I quickly checked my phone and saw it was about 1 in the morning. I could feel the fear overwhelming me, but somehow I stayed still at the spot. I quietly took my flashlight out and that's when I heard it closer to was so close it almost made me feel as if it was on my back. I looked around and then I saw a pair of gold eyes staring right at me from the horizon...

Sophie.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя