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Why'd you stop him? Why'd you tell him no?  Those were the questions I asked myself over and over. Was it because we were in the car? I don't know. Something just didn't feel right... it felt right but I knew inside it wasn't. After he told me those stories I looked at my life and wondered why he had it so good. After telling him no, I explained to him everything that happened. I think I started to understand him a little better after that night.

Two knocks snapped me out of my thoughts. It was early but it was Saturday so I know Rei didn't have school.

"Come in." I shouted to the door.

It opened slowly and in came Glynn. I looked confused. "Hey." She said.

"Hey? How did you find me?" I questioned.


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I looked at Ava like I hated her and at that moment I did. She told she was pregnant and she wasn't sure if it was mine. At this point I didn't even want it to be mine, I hope it was whoever the fuck she was fucking because she's dead to me even though I didn't kill her like I intended.

I sat across from in the armchair and she laid on the couch holding her stomach. Something in the back of my head told me to check to see if she was okay but I honestly didn't care.

"So, who else could it be?" I asked her, looking down at my hands.

I was thinking probably some bitch ass street nigga that didn't mind fucking with her. "Justice." She spit out like hot fire.

I looked at her and stood up. "All you bitches are the same." I mumbled, shaking my head. I grabbed my coat and headed out the door not even bothering to lock it.


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"You got the shit?" I asked Pistol as we crept through the back door of Wyn's house. I wanted to see his bitch ass get killed. However as we came through to the living room no one was there except Pistol's little sister groaning and holding her stomach. I walked over to her quickly.

Pistol practically ran. "What the fuck did he do to you!?" He yelled, looking at her soft eyes.

"Did he put his hands on you?" I asked. She nodded.

"He found out... about me and Justice." She said breathing slowly.

"So he hit you?" Pistol asked.

"Yeah. Just once-"

"He don't need to be hitting you at all." I butt in, rubbing her stomach. "Come on, little mama. We gonna get you out of here."

"I'm gonna kill his bitch ass." Pistol grimaced before picking her up and heading out the door. I shook my head staying behind.

I had the few people we were with search the house before going over to look through the pictures on his shelf. All his brothers were there; Lo, Money, Caz,.. all of them. He had a picture of Calib too, even Benji from back in the day. I smiled, taking the picture of Benji out the frame and into my pocket. When I took it out another picture facing down caught my eye. I picked it up, it was half ripped. An older Mexican looking man was on one side of him and a younger version was on the other side. I took that one too before walking out.

Pistol and I were cops. For years we had been tracking this man down and trying to get him either locked up or killed, whichever happened first. However, it wasn't that easy.

Wyn was indeed a very powerful man. Since 2006, that man has worked under his dad's arms. Even though he didn't like it it was the reason all his father's dirt was clean. He never let his guard down for a second... until we caught eye of him with another female. Pistol said her name was Taylor and Wyn would go far and beyond to do whatever for her.

Then it dawned on me. We can use her.

"Baby, calm down. She's gonna be okay. We're gonna get her checked into a hospital to see if she's okay." I told him rubbing her back.

"Yeah and then we're going to go and kill that nigga." Pistol said, closing the door.

"There's another way-"

"No, it's not." He said as he got into the car.

"Yes there is. We can use Taylor."

Winter Toes II: Love Vs LustWhere stories live. Discover now